Chapter 11: I'm here!!

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Taeyong P.O.V 

"Mark I think I cracked it!" I yelled.

"Really! How?" He asked 

"If you skip one letter and it's S then skip another letter and it's eo. Keep repeating the pattern and you get Seoul Streat!" 

"Your so smart! Let's go hurry!" 

I went to the bank and got the money out. Luckily I had enough money. After that I rushed to Seoul street. 

"Mark if I don't come out in 20 minutes call the police ok. But what ever you do don't come into the warehouse. Ok." 

"But what about you?" 

"I'm going to save her. And remember if I dont come out in 20 minuets call the police. Ok!" 

"Ok but be safe." 

Yeonhee P.O.V

Where am I? Just then I remembered that I got kidnaped. I wasn't in the tub anymore, I was in a dark room tied to a chair. The only light coming into the room was the light under the door. Maybe if I pinch myself all of this will stop. I'm so smart!

"OUCH!" I yelled 

"I guess this isnt a dream."  I sighed. 

About 30 minutes later 


All I saw was dust flying every where. What was going on. I couldn't see anything. 

"Where is she!" I heard someone scream. 

"Who are you talking about?" I heard someone say. 


I knew who it was. It was my boyfriend Lee Taeyong. He was going to save me. I tried to get out of the chair I was strapped to. I was trying to untie the nots. I was longing for his warm hugs and his sweat kisses. 

"Taeyong I'm here!" I screamed over and over while crying. 

Just then the door opened. But it wasn't Taeyong. It was...

The man who kidnaped me. And behind him was Taeyong in someone's arms with a knife at his throat. I saw the fear in his eyes. I started to cry even harder. 

"Look at what you've done Yeonhee." The man whispered in my ear. 

"Kill me! Just let go of Yeonhee! Kill me instead!" Taeyong screamed. 

"Wow look at who wants to be a savior now. Wait are you two dating?" He said while laughing. 

"Yes we're dating so let her go! Kill me instead. I brought you your money so let her go. You can keep me. Just let her go!" Taeyong screamed. 

Just then the man stabbed Taeyong in the stomach. I cried in horror. 

"Let her go!" The man said. 

 The moment he had finished untying me I ran to Taeyong and held him I'm my arms. 

"Don't forget me Yeonhee." He said as he slowly closed his eyes.

"Nooooo! You can't leave me like this! Taeyong you can't die! Stop playing around! Hurry wake up!" I screamed. 

"Goodbye Yeonhee." The kidnapper said as he hit my head with a baseball bat. 

Marks P.O.V

Where is he? He's been in there for 15 minuets already. Should I call the police? I took out my phone, but Taeyong said to wait for 20 minutes. Should I call? Yes or no? Yes wait no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no. I look it the time and it was already past 20 minuets. I quickly call the police and tell them where we were and that they have a hostage in the warehouse. 

In 10 minuets they came and found the kidnappers. It turns out they were the most wanted people in Korea. And I found them! After 5 more minuets the doctors came out with Yeonhee and Taeyong. 

"Doctor are they going to be alright?" I asked the doctor. 

"The guy has a very deep wound in his stomach but he will recover in about 10 days or more. But the girl we don't know if she will be alright. She got hit in the head really hard and we think she will suffer from amnesia. And we don't know how for back she won't remember." He answered. 

"Oh. Thank you." 

"Yup. No problem young man. But do you mind if I get an autograph from you? My daughter is a huge fan of you." 

"Sure! It's the least I can do for you." 

Just then Lee Sooman came and was questioned. I was sent home while Soo man went to the hospital with NCT's and Juliette's manager. When I got back to the SM building everyone was wondering what happend. I couldn't answer them I was still shocked about earlier. I ignored everyone and went to sleep. 

This is a short chapter but yeah. I hope you enjoy this chapter. 

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