Meeting the Dragon

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       Thunder rumbles that afternoon, a storm was moving in and I was out in the middle of a field. My name is Marie. I am a peasant in King Einon's kingdom. The king is a cruel man, He hates my village because we dared to rebel. When we did, one of the village elders managed to kill Einon's father who was equally as cruel. Einon was also injured that day, but it was not a fatal injury, though I know that a lot of my people wished it was. Nothing has been the same since. I walk further out into the field and look up. The clouds are getting darker and the wind blows a little bit harder, I began to smell smoke and I turn around. Smoke was coming from my village. I gasp and take off running, I was concerned for my family, but when I arrived at my village, flames and screams were all I could see and hear. Einon's men were everywhere shooting the people who tried to run for their lives with their crossbows.
        I ran towards my house, trying to be careful and not get seen by the men. I got to my house easy enough, but my family was gone. I screamed out in anger and I turned towards one of the men on the horses. He was watching with an evil smile and laughing. Without thinking, I ran towards him. I wanted to hurt that man, make him pay, but common sense stopped me just as the man was raising his crossbow. I fell to a stop and quickly got up, running towards the woods. I had just reached the tree line when I felt something hit me in the middle of my back. I cried out in pain and fell, though I did not stay down for long. I forced myself to my feet and stumbled away. I am not sure how long I kept going, all I remember was seeing a river and a waterfall then falling. I was tired and I wanted to sleep.
       I woke up sometime later. It was daylight and I was in a cave. I did not know how I got there, all I did know was that my back felt great. I took a breath and sat up, looking for my rescuer. I saw no one there but what I did see scared me. All around the cave was the bones of what looked like people and animals, I could not tell for sure. I looked up and saw an unusually light colored rock laying in the middle of the cave. I got up and went over to it, thinking that there was someone behind it, but alas there was no one. "Hello? Is anyone there?" I called out, Just in case. There was no answer.... well.... not the one I was expecting. The light colored rock moved when I called out and a soft growl followed. I yelped and backed away, then watched as the rock became a dragon.

**********This is my first time doing this so you guys will have to be kind. If you want more let me know. I will be happy to keep writing. Thanks!***********

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