"Never waste a moment..."

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Sometimes you want to rewind time and be with a man, which you now miss. Remember the funny and sad moments. You want to go back in time, to change something in there and maybe even delete it forever. You want to stop the time and enjoy the moment with your love, because you know that everything will never be the same.

After Hiccup's father died, everything had changed. Hiccup became the Chief and his dragon – Alpha. His girlfriend became his fiancée and after twenty years he regained his mother. It would seem that all was well, but it would be a lie. At the same time, Hiccup lost his dear person, he lost his father and it affected him. He wasn't what he used to be. Hiccup became a closed person. He barely spoke to people, barely ate and slept. And the worst part was that he didn't allow others to help him. Everything that he did was work.

And such behavior hurt others, especially Astrid. Hiccup was her everything, her world and her beloved. Astrid didn't know what she had to do. She didn't know whether it needed to scream, shout, or beg him to return to her, to them. Everything that she tried, went dog on the tail. And over time Astrid began to lose hope, that she will ever again be able to see the same Hiccup as before. She only had her memories left.


Astrid never thought, that after two years, she ever again be able to see the same houses, which they built, the same forest, where they used to fly and the same Moon, whereat she watched in the evenings. Only one thing was different now. Dragon's Edge... was burned and destroyed.

She jumped off from Stormfly's back and ultimately stood on the burnt wood. Formerly, peace here was something special, here finding a corner of silence was almost impossible. And now there was nothing alive, just two of them in dead silence.

Astrid sadly sighed and with his dragon by her side, she walked towards a charred hut, which lived Hiccup once. She touched one of the burnt logs and closing his eyes, remembered how it looked before, with all his colors and life.

She remembered everything that had happened here, remembered intolerably the twin's pranks, sometimes ended in a very bad way, their fights and disagreements, Fishlegs teachings, annoying Snotlout, who couldn't keep his mouth shut and Hiccup, who had always pulled them out of trouble. Despite all the disagreements, fights and quarrels, Astrid wouldn't change it into anything else in this world, because with them she was very happy. They were her expensive friends and even her second family. And now they went their separate ways, started their own families and moved away from each other.

"You can't always wait for the perfect time. Sometimes you have to dare to do it because life is too short to wonder what could have been." -Unknown.

She felt a single tear rolled down her cheek, but she quickly wiped it away and leting down er head, she started to go towards the former clubhouse, where happened some things she would never forget.


That evening, she only could think about what Heather told her.

"Life is too short."

"You need to express your feelings."

"Stop wasting time."

"You two are perfect."

No matter how hard she tried to get rid of them, these few phrases couldn't get out of her head. And the more she thought about it, the more she began to think that she was right.

Maybe, but just maybe, she should tell him how she felt about him. That she loves him with all his heart. But what if he doesn't feel the same as she, what if she tells the truth, and it will destroy their friendship?

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