Never Belonged, part II

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{Hello, my dear readers! Long time no see.

Anyway, as you can see I changed this one-shot name, coz I didn't like the old one.

And I dedicate this chapter to my friend Lianahofferson18 ❤ I hope you like it.

Oh, I almost forgot. There is a warning!

Warning: Evil Heather is coming! But don't get me wrong, I like Heather. And on the end of this (maybe other) chapter, she will be good, again.



"Perhaps this is the beginning of her new life, but then what about the old one?"

It has been several days since the day when Astrid freed the Night Fury and woke up surrounded by strangers who soon became her friends. Hiccup showed her that dragons are friendly and can be trusted. She trusted them, but not all trusted her. And I'm not talking only about dragons, but also about the people she called her friends.

"Oh no..." Astrid gasped...

°* 24 hours ago °*

"Oh come on, Astrid, only one single flight and I will not ask for more." Hiccup knew that she wanted to see the world from above, he saw how she looks at the sky, the sun and clouds, she just being stubborn as always. "You will like it."

"Hiccup, how many times I'll have to tell you, that I'm well and on the ground?" The blonde girl answered, and crossed her hands on her chest.

"Please, Astrid, let me show you what it means to be free." Hiccup said softly and put one hand on her shoulder.

"If I say yes, will you stop talking about it?" She asked, and he nodded. "But it's too dangerous what if I fall down, or-" But Hiccup cut her off.

"This will not happen, and if, I catch you." He said with a smile but got a hit to the head with a small stone. It was Toothless. "Ok, ok we will catch you. Happy?" Toothless smiled.

"I have no other choice, have I?" Astrid said and patted the dragon's cheek.

"Nope, Milady, you don't." The blonde looked away as Hiccup called her 'Milady'.

At that moment Toothless grinned and pushed Astrid into Hiccup's lap. Her hands were on Hiccup's chest, and his own on her thin waist. She slowly picked up her eyes and looked directly into the forest green orbs. A faint blush, like the shadow of a rose, came to her cheeks and she quickly pulled away from his lap.

"Sorry..." Astrid apologized and looked to the ground. Hiccup just nodded and then glared at his dragon, who was grinning.


Soft clouds one after another tickled Astrid's pink cheeks as her both hands rested on Hiccup's strong shoulders. She slowly raised his right hand and touched the slightly wet clouds. And after a moment her both palms were covered by them and she couldn't do anything else, only smile, because it was the first time in her life when she felt so free.

Astrid wrapped his arms around Hiccup's waist and laid her head on his right shoulder. The auburn male froze at first, as her warm body pressed against his back, but later he relaxed and smiled to himself.

"Ok. I admit. It's pretty cool." But 'pretty cool' wasn't enough. "It's amazing. He is amazing." Astrid smiled as well and patted Toothless' cheek.

The black dragon purred in response.

"See, I told you that you will like it." Hiccup said gently.

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