I'm fine - part II

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{Hi, Lovelies! ^^

I wanted to update this sooner, but I think time had planned it differently.

This past week, I was a bit busy. I had to babysit a few kids since mom's brother came back from Russia, so we had a lot of guests. But I didn't mind though, I had a lot of fun babysitting the small humans, especially with this 3-4 years old boy, who doesn't talk/understand my language yet he speaks English, so no problem lol

Then I have to visit the doctor all this week. And I don't have my phone in my hands so often as I used to. No phone, no laptop, no iPad lol just fresh air.

Yesterday, with a friend we went for a ride with bikes for a couple of hours, about 10+km, so no phone, again. And when we came back at his house, I was so tired to write/edit anything and my butt was hurting so much and him making fun of it didn't help at all (Like, seriously the last time I went for a ride with a bike was a few years ago!)

Okay, enough with this boring stuff!

Enjoy the second part of I'm Fine!}

Warning: strong language!

I'm fine - part II

"Astrid..." He began to say and slowly put her on the ground. "Have you just winced?"

She widened her eyes, but then laughed nervously. "W-what? Of course n-not."

She didn't dare to look into his eyes because she knew perfectly, looking at him would mean no more lies, she would get lost into those emerald green orbs and tell all the truth just by looking at them.

But most of all, she would be ashamed, ashamed that she lied to him all their dating time and that she has such a father.

He put his finger under her chin and gently lifted her head, forcing her to look at him. His eyes looked at hers for a few seconds, but a little later, his gaze shifted to her cheek...

"A-Astrid?!" He explained, his eyes wide with shock. She immediately pulled away, looking to the ground. "Is that a bruise?? Someone hit you?!" With every word, his voice grew louder and louder until his eyes were burning with fire.

"I-I fell-"

"Do not lie to me!" Astrid whimpered and hugged herself, he had never talked to her like this before, in fact, he had never raised his voice when he talked with her. And his eyes, it... it changed, just like her dad's before he hits her... It always changes.

It was like as the same as at her own house. She felt like she knew what would be coming next, as autumn follows winter; a hit had always followed yelling. And it was the same with her dad, he would call her names, yell at her, and finally, a hit always followed after.

But it was Hiccup, her Hiccup, she shouldn't be afraid of him. He wouldn't hurt her, right?

"I'm sorry." The Auburn male said when he saw fear in her eyes. "I shouldn't have yelled at you." He hugged her, rubbing soothing circles on her back as her ocean blue eyes began to fill with tears.

"Who hurt you?" He asked softly. "Please, tell me. I need to know."

"I c-can't." She whispered and the lonely tear rolled down her cheek, its way up to her chin, fighting for its small life, but as quick as we can lose hope, the small salty droplet of water dropped into his white shirt, staining it. "He will hurt you if I tell you..."

"What?" His eyes widened and Hiccup gently pushed her away from him, to make sure he heard her right. "What do you mean?" He placed his both hands on her shoulders and narrowed his eyes. He couldn't believe it, that son of a bitch threatened his beloved!

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