C7 (Part 2) - Trust Me

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Cecelia's POV

I grabbed my belongings from my locker and headed out the front door ready to either walk or catch the bus home. Great...

Once, I walked outside I saw Chresanto leaning against the railing connected to the steps. I actually thought he was dead after Jacob went after him...I guess not.

"Hey." I called out to him. "I haven't heard from you in a while, you okay?"

he scoffed "You mean after you sent your vampire boyfriend after me?"

I rolled my eyes and sighed "First, hes not my boyfriend. Second, I didn't send him after you! He showed up at my house and figured it out himself."

He sighed and looked away. "Well, he showed up at my house throwing rocks through my window to get my attention just to piss me off and make me 'wolf out'"

"Yeah, breaking windows and mirrors are his new thing now." I shook my head. "Wait. You turned into your wolf form?" I started whispering "Is that why you haven't been in school lately?"

"Yeah. I've been on edge lately with the full moon coming up." He explained "I only change when im extremely pissed off or if it's a full moon and when I turn on a full moon im not 100% in control."

"You lose control?"

"For the whole night." He said "I usually don't go to school that day so since I know you miss me, I'm just telling you from now don't expect me to be here." He said smirking

I laughed a bit "I wont. So you basically black out on a full moon?"

"Well-" he was cut off by horn honking at us from behind me. I turned and saw Jacob in the driver seat.

"Your boyfriend is here. You should go." He said in a growling kind of way.

"He isn't my boyfriend Ch-" I said turning and saw he was gone. "Okay then..." Jacob then got out of the car.

"Sorry I'm late"

"Wasn't really expecting you to pick me up...again"

"Well I definitely wasn't going to leave you with him."

"Stop." I walked up closer to him "I trust him more than I trust you right now so stop talking bad about him."

"I don't understand ho-" he was talking till I realized a red spot on his white shirt, which was covered by his black jacket.

I reached up towards the top of his jacket before he grabbed my hand. "You don't want to do that."

"Why? Because its blood?"

he didn't answer he let go of my hand. "Jacob, you killed someone on your way here?!"

"I didn't kill them...I just took some blood from them."

I started backing away from him but he grabbed me back and pulled me close to him "I did it so I wouldn't be tempted to do anything to you..." he looked down at me "well I mean hurting you...not other things" he smirked and I pushed away from him.

"Come on lets go." He said turning to get in his car.


He sighed "You want me to put you in the car myself? Because I will." I didn't respond

he sighed heavier "Okay, the truth is I have something to show you about the Hybrid. The information I have is at my house so you need to come with me."

"How convenient" I rolled my eyes and slowly walked to the car. I didn't trust him after what I saw tonight but I do want to know more about the Hybrid...

What has my life come to?


.:: QueenRoyal ::.

My Vampire Slayer - Part 2 | Princeton/Jacob Perez Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now