C8 (Part 2) - Teamwork

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Cecelia's POV

"You know if I knew any better I'd think you just dragged me to your house to just spend time with me since we've been sitting here for an hour and found NOTHING on the Hybrid." I said and threw the book off of my lap.

"Stop being impatient." He said quietly

"No, Jacob." I said and stood up. "There's over a hundred books in this one room."

"Yes, and there is thousand more to look through." He said and looked at me. "So stop getting angry and keep reading"

"Okay, well I'm tired of reading. Can't you like use your Vamp speed and speed read all these books?"

"I could...but will I? No." he said and continued to flip through the book he had.

"Oh my gosh, Jacob!" I walked over to him and slammed his book shut "You may think this is a joke but if you haven't noticed there is war raging Hybrid attending our school in incognito ready to start ripping the town to shreds any chance he gets! I'm sorry that I want to prepared to protect myself against him!"

Jacob chuckled "Your not even capable of protecting yourself against me. You think you can protect yourself against a thousand year old Hybrid?"

"Well what am I supposed to do Jacob? Wait around for Hybrid's Doomsday? We all need to be prepared, not only me." I said then walked back over to the chair I was sitting down in before. "You have never stood against him but you don't see the urgency to know his weakness and how to bring him down."

"Because Cecelia there isn't a way to bring him down."

Jacob then got up to put all the books we had scattered around his parent study back on the shelves.

"What do you mean there isn't a way?"

"He's a Vampire, Werewolf and a Witch. A combination of the most powerful supernatural creatures that ever lived. A Vampire cant take that down neither can a werewolf or a witch."

I thought about it and sadly he's right they cant bring him down...unless "...Alone"


"Alone a Vamp, Wolf or a Witch cant bring down a Hybrid. But working together? You guys all could!"

"Okay, so you want us to work with the enemy?"

"Wolves and Witches aren't your enemy Jacob."

"There's years of wars that says otherwise." Jacob said and then there was knock on the door. Then in walked his Mother.

"Son, What's going on?" she said eyeing the room.

"Just looking through the history books, mother."

"What's all the talk about the Hybrid, Jacob."

"Damn." He mumbled

"We have a suspicion that he's back." I answered for him

Her eyes went wide "Oh my... it's been five hundred years since he's last return hasn't it?"

I nodded "You have seen him?"

"He stormed the town but I never saw him I was locked away with Rayan and an unborn Jacob protecting them."

"Where was Rays parents and your husband?"

"Trying to take down the Hybrid. Sadly, Rayan's parents were one of the many vampires that the Hybrid slaughtered"

"Oh my gosh..." I said and covered my mouth in shock.

"If he's here its not good. He's going to bring hell to this town again."

"How did it start last time mother?"

"Well of course the Werewolves had to go mess everything up and go on a killing spree to draw attention to the supernatural and the humans came after us then the hybrid came to town and slaughtered a whole lot of us."

"Wait, Ms. P said it was the Vampire fault. They were the ones to draw attention."

Jessica shook her head "Witches. Always blaming us."

She walked over to picture and lifted it off of the wall. It then revealed a safe inside the wall. Jessica, Jacob's Mother turned the dial and it sprang open with dust escaping from the cracks of the now open safe. She pulled out book, which was very torn and dusty. "This here is the legend of the Hybrid. All the information on how to find him to taking him down. It's all here."

"Why didn't you use this 500 years ago?" I asked

"Werewolves, Vampire and Witches didn't want to work together it's the only way. Maybe you guys can figure out a way to change our faith and get them work as one."

I smirked "I told you all we need was teamwork." Jacob rolled his eyes and opened the book.



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