C11 (Part 2) - Change Me

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Cecelia's POV

Cecelia's Bedroom on the top

Everyone left except Jacob who has been knocked out for at least hour and a half. Before Ray left he got me four blood packets from Jacob's house since he will be craving blood when he regains consciousness. Apparently a lot of it...

I tried waking him up...poking him, slapping him, shaking him to get up. Nothing worked. It was like he was dead for real but of course he wasn't. I left the blood packets next to where he laid on my window seat and went in my bathroom to bathe and get ready for bed.

After I finished what I needed to do I came out to see Jacob up and devouring the third packet of blood about to start on the fourth one. "I'm gonna kill him." I heard him mumble

"Ray? Oh please Jacob you were being a dick you deserved it." I said and sat across from on my bed.

He looked at me and rolled his eyes as he moved on to ripping open the last packet. "You know the hex wont affect you in anyway right?"

"Does it matter anymore? Ally said she's not going to do it" he replied

"She's going to talk to her mother about it..."

He rolled his eyes "Yeah like that will work."

"Stop being so doubtful. Don't you want this Hybrid gone?"

"Yes, I do but maybe there's another way..." he trailed off in way of saying he knows something.

I sat there and waited for him to speak "Well, do you know of one?"

He looked at me. "No, I'm just saying maybe there is another way."

"Okay, well there isn't."

"How are you guys so sure this will work anyways? This book is over centuries old. Maybe he evolved or something."

"Evolved? Really?" I gave him a straight face.

"I don't know what Hybrids do!"

"Okay well we have to try this before the Hybrid makes a goodbye massacre of the town." I said

"You know... I've been hearing a lot of this 'We' coming from you. You do know you can't be involved with this right?"

"What!" I exclaimed, "I can't help?"

"Not if you want to see the light of day the next morning. You would be instantly taken out."

"Why are you so sure?"

"He's a hybrid you don't think he will go for the weak human first?"

"I'm not weak..." I said crossing my arms

"To him your weak." He said

"So, what can I do?"

"Stay put inside your house." He said

"Oh yeah let me be a sitting duck to wait for my death, that's smart." I said sarcastically

"Lock the doors or something."

"Jacob, if you can break my windows I'm sure he can break my door down. I'm not staying put in this death trap." I shook my head at him.

"So what do you think you should do other than go on a suicide mission?"

I fumbled with my fingers for a bit "I want to change.." I mumbled but I know he heard me.

"Change to what?"

"Well I cant become a witch and I don't believe I can become a werewolf..."

"No those are things your cursed with from birth." He said

"Well then that leaves.."

"You're not becoming a Vampire Cecelia!" he said starting to get angry with me.

"Why not...I wont be weak anymore and I will able to protect myself!"

"You don't want to become this!"

"Maybe I could handle what it means to become a Vampire!"

"This is because your 'looking from the outside looking in' you wouldn't understand till your actually living it! Then you will wish you never made that choice." He said rubbing his temples. "I never got the chance to be human but I do wish I was."

"Why are you trying to protect me so much?"

He looked up at me "Are you kidding me Ce? Obviously I care about you!" he stood up

"You don't show it anymore..." I said sadly looking down

"Ce regardless of how I act I still have feelings for you." He said and I looked up at him "After all your still my mate" he smirked and touched the spot on my neck where the mating bite was. "This bite also in a way binds us. I'll never stop caring about you and neither will you with me. If you die...I die."

"So you're just protecting yourself by keeping me safe?" I asked

"No." he shook his head "I'm not afraid to die Ce. But there's no reason for you to die over this stupid war."

"So your life is connected to mine." I said making sure that's what I heard

"Yeah. Unless you were to change to a vampire then the bite goes away and we're no longer bound to each other. That bite only has affects when it's imprinted on a human body"

"hm..." I hummed

"Don't start getting any ideas now that you know the truth." He said and started to gather the blood bags and the Hybrid Book.

I laughed, "I wont" then he left.


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