C18 (Part 2) - A Little Thing Called Hope

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Cecelia's POV

Finally making into Chres's house in the middle of the woods I walked up and knocked on the door. For a house in the woods it has a very modern feel to it, in other words very beautiful.

Shortly after my very brief admiring of the house the door slowly opened to reveal a little girl with golden eyes much like Chres's.

She looked to be maybe 5. "Um, hi?" I smiled "Does Chresanto live here?" I questioned. She looked at me funny as if she was confused of who I was talking about. Then her facial expression changed making me think she understood and she walked off further into the house.

Moments later Chres arrived at the door. "Hey" I smiled but he still held a straight face. "Can we talk?" he sighed and nodded. He closed the door behind him and stepped outside with me to sit on the steps of the house.

"Sister?" I asked referring to the little girl. "Daughter" he replied simply. Huh, I guess it was true about the rumors of him having kids.

"Oh well she looks like you" I smiled

"Why are you here Cecelia?" he said looking at me not fazed.

"Where have you been?" I asked and he looked away. "Chres I haven't heard from you since that night at my house when we were all talking about taking down Elijah"

"Maybe, I want to be out of your little Hybrid Hunting Club" he replied snarkily. "I just thought you would want to protect your family from this beast." I replied quietly

"I'm protecting them just fine." He growled, "You know I was actually surprised your blood sucking boyfriend let you come here all alone."

"Well he trusts me and believes that I will be okay" I said proudly.

Chres chuckled "Yeah, wipe that proud smirk off of your face. Your boyfriend has been following you this whole time." He said looking into the forest.

"Wha-?" I asked and I finally saw him stepping out into the open where I could see him better. "Jacob! I told you don't follow me!" I said getting up marching over to him. "You don't trust me?!"

"Simmer down." He said, "I don't trust him." He said walking around me closer to Chresanto.

"The feeling is mutual Jacob." Chres said

"You want to tell us why you disappeared – conveniently might I add – around the time of the school massacre?" Jacob said folding his arms across his chest

"I didn't disappear. I was just conveniently not there." Chres shrugged

"You're working with him." Jacob stated simply

"What? Jacob you cant just accuse him of that!" I said butting in.

"Yes I am" Chresanto said

"Say what now?" I turned quickly to Chresanto.

"I am. He promised to leave my wolf pack alone as long as help get rid of the humans and some annoyingly problem starter vampires."

"You would do that even if you were putting Cecelia in danger?" Jacob asked

"Sadly she's not my girlfriend so I really shouldn't care" he said looking me over which made Jacob pull me closer to him. "but I vouched for her anyways. She will be spared." He said and got up. Then he turned towards the front door heading to go back inside.

"And you are so sure he will keep your family alive? Are you really willing to take that chance?" I asked quietly but I knew he heard me.

"His side will be the winning side I'm sure of it. Your little group has no chance. I know it, you know it and everyone else in that group knows it. You are living off of hope and at this point there isn't any." He then walked back inside.

No hope he says? No. There will always be Hope.


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.:: QueenRoyal ::.


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