Breaking in & Meet Tsubaki

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Waking up, I looked around to see Ash still holding me closely as we were in a blanket. I slowly started to remember what happened yesterday. So much had happened in one day and it seems like it took about a week of it.

"(Y/n), you're awake.." Ash mumbled, making me look up at him.

"I just woke up.." I stated, stretching on my back. "How long were you awake for, Ash?"

"Not too long. Anyways, you should get ready."

Nodding, I got up from Mahiru's bed and walked out..only to be greeted with Bisha jumping me in her pup form.

"You're up! Finally! Mahiru was started to get a bit worried!" Bisha stated, resting herself into my chest.

"Bi-Bisha! Not the gre-greatest place to re-rest yo-yourself!" I stuttered, blushing from the embarrassment. But, Bisha was jumped by a certain black cat.

"Bisha, listen to her or you'll listen to me."

"Aw! You're no fun, big brother!"

"This isn't about fun. It's about how your on top of (Y/n)'a chest when it's my job to do that."

Their conversations went on for a while, making me blush even more. Mahiru soon helped me up and gave me a pair of clothes.

"Sorry about Kuro. He isn't like this."

"Thanks.. Wait a minute, this is mine. Did Ash break into my apartment?!" I asked.

"Yeah.. You have a lot of food so we brought them here for us all." Ash stated, getting my pudding.



Mahiru's POV

"You really are mad about Kuro breaking in.." I said, looking at (Y/n) as she was helping me with the food.

"It's not that.." (Y/n) stated, sighing softly. "It's hard to explain, Mahiru. I'll tell you, Ash and Bisha later on. I don't like talking about it."

"All right.. Just be sure that Kuro didn't hear you. Cause if he did, he'll be all over you to get it out."

(Y/n) sighed, putting the desert into the freezer.

"We should be heading home. I'm sure that Ash and Bisha wanna relax.." (Y/n) stated, cleaning the table.

"Let me help out."

"No, it's okay.. I got it. Just, make sure Ash and Bisha are okay." (Y/n) said, pushing me away. Once I agreed to leave, I walked to feet out backpacks and walked back to the kitchen. I saw how fast (Y/n) was in cleaning. She was faster than me, she had enough time to at least check in the food.

"Let's get going.. Before it gets dark." I said, dumbfounded from what I saw.

"Okay.. Let's go."

(Y/n) didn't look up. She gotten her bag and continued to look down. It somewhat made me worried that she wasn't talking at all. This was getting worse by the second, Bisha was gotten into her arms.

"(Y/n), what's wrong? You seem out of it." Bisha asked.

"Are you still mad that we broke i--"

"It isn't that, Mahiru. I told you that and meant it. Just drop it." (Y/n) cut me off, making jump slightly.


I think I'm crossing the line here.. I'll just back off and let her cool down. After that, I'm sure she'll explain. I thought, letting her take a breather. But still.. The others didn't remember what happened be day before yesterday. Why's that..?

"Hey! Move over! You're taking all the space!"

"Am not! You are--"

"Ow! That hurts!"

Pulling my backpack to the front, I opened it to saw the attacker from two days ago and Kuro struggling to fit in with all my books.

"What the- Why do you have one of Tsubaki's subclass with you?" (Y/n) asked.

"I don't know. Anywhi, when did you get in here?" I asked, grabbing the doll.

"Come on! Can I have a little bit of blood? Pretty please?!"

"Berukia.. That's your name, isn't it?" Bisha asked.

"Yes yes! And you must be Tsubaki's sister. Nice to meet you! Anyways, can I lease have some blood?!" Berukia asked again, making me pissed off as Kuro gotten onto my shoulder.

"Kept it down! Also tell me why everyone is being so odd! It's like the events from two days ago didn't happen!"

As the two of us argued, there was whispering about us. So, I started to squeeze his head to tell us. The only thing I got was a threat. I eventually gave up and put him back into my backpack, continuing to walk to our house.

"Explain to me what just happened.. What events happened before Bisha and I came in?" (Y/n) asked.

"Well, long story short, he attacked us when his friend Ryusei was bitten by him. He turned into that doll to collect energy to leave. But, we picked him up and hide him." I explained simply.

"With that, he's the reason why I'm his servamp." Kuro added.

"Oh.. But, you don't know him, do you Ash?"

"Not even a clue.. And you don't either until Bisha came in.."

"Who's this Tsubaki guy anyways? Is he that bad..?" I asked, looking at (Y/n) and Bisha.

"Tsubaki.. His name just makes my blood boil.." (Y/n) stated, looked down again.

"It's better not to ask us.. He almost killed us.."

"And I don't know someone who wants to hurt a cute, innocent, little, black cat like yours truly." Kuro said.

"Please don't act like you're a harmless kitten, when your actually a vampire.."


"After all this time, you still haven't changed Ash.."

"Well, why would I? Belle made me what I am today. And it continues on.."

"Anyways, Tsubaki is our enemy and is out of us for some reason. If we don't do anything about this, he'll send more of his subclass to kill us."


It started to rain, out of the blue.. I looked up, seeing that the sun was still out.

"Rain when the suns out..? That's weird."


"Let's go..!" (Y/n) said, grabbing my hand as we ran.

"Wha- What's going on?! Why are you running?!" I asked her, trying to keep yo with her speed.



Then, a red light started to surround us, making me bump into (Y/n).

"A red light..? What's going on--"

"You wanna know who Tsubaki is..right?'re gonna meet him face to face now.." (Y/n) stated, taking her stance.

"Hey you.. I wanna heard something interesting.. Tell me something interesting that's happened to you.." I heard a guy demand. Looking forward, I saw a guy with the same traits as Bisha, making me automatically think it was Tsubaki.

"Why do I have a feeling this is gonna be a pain..?" Kuro whined.

"That's because..this is gonna be a pain.." (Y/n) said.

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