Matter of Coming Back

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Mahiru's POV

"So this young child is your daughter now?" Lily asked (Y/n), seeing that she was holding Asumi in her arms as she was sleeping.

"Yeah.. And I don't have no problem taking her in. After all, it's my fault." (Y/n) stated, sighing.

"How old are you again? That's right, your fifteen. You can't take care of a four year old!" Misono hushed at (Y/n).

"I've done it to myself.. I can do it to Asumi."

"All right then, who will be her new foster father? You want to tell me who will help you?"

(Y/n) looked down at Asumi, not even thinking about a father for her foster daughter. Shrugging, she carefully got up and left the room.

Guess she doesn't know.. I thought, sighing.

"I'll go check on her.." Bisha said, leaving the room as well.

Once she left, all of us sighed, even Kuro did.

"You didn't have to be so hard on her, Misono.. She's an orphan as well. (Y/n) can relate more to Asumi." I said, looking at him.

"That's not the point." Misono said. "It's that she's still young and is giving it away to someone's daughter who she killed."

"That's why she's doing this.. Giving her freedom up to give Asumi what she needs. She may be confused, but will understand what to do. And it seems like the best thing to do after killing her mother."

"I really don't think (Y/n) will like this conversation.." Kuro said.

"Let's drop it for now.."

The door opened after we changed the subject. We all looked at the door way, seeing (Y/n) and Bisha in their street clothes.

"Where are you two going?" Kuro asked.

"We need food for Asumi and ourselves. With that, I did promise you some candy from the festival and didn't get you anything, so I'm gonna get that as well." (Y/n) said, blushing as she looked away.

"It'll be troublesome if you didn't come back.." Kuro yawned out, staring at (Y/n). She nodded and left with Bisha to the store.

Hugh came in after (Y/n) and Bisha left, giving us some information on Tsubaki and his subclasses.

"Let's go, Kuro."

"What a pain.."


(Y/n)'s POV

"What the.. Why am I getting a deep feeling about Asumi..?" I muttered stopping in my tracks.

"(Y/n)! Let's go!~ I wanna take some of Kuro's sweets!~" Bisha whined, pulling on my hair with her teeth as she sat on my shoulder.

"In a sec.. I just need to go somewhere.." I trailed off, walking the different direction I was walking. Soon enough, I started to run towards a performance center.

"Hello.. Do you have a tick--"

"There's the ticket!" I said, throwing the ticket at the guys as I ran in with Bisha.

Run.. Just run to find out..

My breathe was getting raggedy, legs were starting to go numb, throat was getting dry. But I still kept kept going.


I stopped in front of an opened door, showing blood on the chairs and walls. There was a person hiding behind one of the chairs. Ashes were around the place.

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