Explanation & Confusion

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[Hours Later]

(Y/n)'s POV

Did I really do that..? No way I could've done that.. I'm not that strong, am I? I thought, looking at the sky.

"(Y/n)..? Are you listening to me?"


I looked to my right slightly, seeing Ash poking my cheeks since I was laying down on his lap. A blush started to consume my cheeks as I realized that I didn't pay attention to what he told me.

"You're so troublesome.. Anyways, are you all right? You kinda had a breakdown with Lawless." Ash asked again, worried about my well being.

"Yeah.. I'm fine.. Just think that's all." I lied, looking away. But, I was forced to look at him.

"Bad liar.." Ash muttered. "Now tell me. It'll be a pain if I do something I regret.."

I looked at him in the eyes. He was serious. I've never seen him like this before. It was somewhat..of a turn on. Blushing deeply, I looked away and sighed. I rest my head into his neck.

"Tell everyone to come towards us.. I need to ask all of you something.." I muttered.

I felt him stare down at me, but didn't bother to fight back. So, I called Mahiru to tell everyone to come towards us. Slowly, everyone walked to us. I still didn't move from Ash's neck. Asumi was asleep on my lap, so I just moved my torso.

"What was it that you wanted to ask?" Misono asked for everyone.

"The day I was in C3.. Licht told me that I was there with you all, fighting Tsubaki. Is that true?" I asked, looked up. And there faces when pale at the memory. "And I was hit, yes? Lawless and Licht told me what happened. Don't hold back on me now. I don't even know what I am anymore."

Lily sighed and held me close.


"You were a human..but, the events that happened with Tsubaki changed you. You're eye color is no longer (color). They're red like ours." Lily explained.

"Wh-what do you mean..?" I stuttered and Lily pulled away.

"You're both a she-devil and an angel.." Licht said bluntly.

My eyes widen and looked at him. "Ho-how? How am I both?!"

"After when Kuro and I came, Lilac took Lawless's necklace and you came in. You gave it back. But, Tsubaki came in and got ahold on you. He said that he's the weapon of killing all of the servamps.. He pushed you towards us and you ran, but.." Mahiru trailed off.

"But what..?" I didn't get a response. Tears were coming out my eyes. "But what, Mahiru?!"

"You..were killed by Tsubaki.." Lawless finished, looking away.

What..? I died..?

Bisha's POV

"I was killed..by Tsubaki.. No way.. No way in hell that I did!"

"You did.. And you helped Mahiru and the demon to take down Tsubaki." Licht answered, making me look down.

I should do it.. I have to.. I thought.

"With that, your clothes changed drastically. You were more exposed than your hunting clothes.. You're so troublesome that I can just die.."

"Sh-shut up!"

"But.. that isn't all.." I stated off, walking towards (Y/n). I picked up Asumi and laid her down on a blanket next to Kuro. Then, I hugged (Y/n) tightly.


"I'm sorry.. But, I can no longer lie to you.." I muttered, pulling away. "The time that you died..it broke our contract. So, we're no longer partners.."

"You're lying.."

I looked down, sighing softly. "I wish I was.. But, it's true.. With that, Tsubaki had asked me to help him out with his problems.."

"And you seriously took it! Are you crazy?! He can kill you!" Mahiru stated.

I chuckled and stood up, looking at him. Hugging him, I felt myself starting to cry. I hated it, but I needed it..

"I'm sorry.. but I can't abandon my little brother." I mumbled, looking at Kuro. He held onto (Y/n) as she was trying to reach me.

"Bishamon.. Promise me something.." (Y/n) mumbled. I looked at her as her eyes were filled with determination and care.

"You better take care of yourself.. Or else I'll hunt you down and beat the crap out of you.."

My eyes widen but soften the next second. Smiling, I nodded and started to walk away..

"I will.. And the same to you.."

Brother.. I'm coming home.. I thought, jumping on rooftops.

Kuro's POV

I sighed as I see (Y/n) shaking. Holding her seemed to help the shaking go down. But, there was still more to explain.. This is such a pain.. Even I don't know what's going on.

"Is there anything else...that I need to know?" (Y/n) asked.

"You're permanently going to have to stay in contact with Hyde and Licht. Since Hyde has been the first servamp you've met, it more likely that he will be able to help you out with some of the memories you don't remember." Lust stated.

"(Y/n), isn't there you wanted to ask Kuro.?" Mahiru said, making (Y/n) stiffen.

"Rig-right now..?"

"The sooner the better."

(Y/n) sighed and looked at me. I looked back at her and sighed seeing that he was struggling.

"The day after when I was kidnapped..I knew what those wounds were about.. It's hard to explain, but I have to tell you that..it's also the day when I found that more about Belle's past. I only got a glimpse, but I need it to come from you.." (Y/n) mumbled. She took a deep breathe and looked at me. "She helped you out with the death of your creator. And I want to help as well, but.."

"You still want to be your normal self.." I finished for her, sighing. "I'm fine.. Don't do anything and just relax.. Too much think is a pain.."

"With that, it's also the day when I was able to find out that I was destined to be a vampire.. So, I'm a full on vampire.."

"Let's get out of here.. I'm sure everyone wants to rest.."

"Don't you want to talk about to?!" Everyone asked.

"It's too troublesome to talk.."

"Lazy cat.."

As everyone said goodbye, I picked up Asumi and looked at (Y/n), seeing a tattoo that she gotten from fully turning. I sighed and looked away. It was a tattoo of claw marks down her side and back. I didn't mind, but I was surprised to fully see her power over powering my own.

This is such a pain.. That's what I get for getting involved with a princess centuries ago.. I thought, leaving with Mahiru and (Y/n) with Asumi in my arms.

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