Lost of Power

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(Y/n)'s POV

Wha-What's going on..? My head is spinning.. Why is that..? Why can't I see everyone else..? Are Misono and Lily okay..? Is Mahiru and Bisha okay..? Am I okay..? I thought, seeing nothing but the building around me.

I did something stupid yet non regrettable at the same time.. And I have no mind to it since it's my own action.

Ash was going to bite Mahiru and I took the bite for Mahiru. I can feel the people around me looking at me, wondering how stupid I can possibly be. I paid no mind to it. I was sick of being people's toy. And for my mistake of letting them, I'll pay by protecting the ones I care for the most.

Ash's fangs were close to my carotid artery in my neck. It was painful to bare with.. His nails were digging into my hips, making me whimper in pain.

"(Y-Y-Y/n).." I heard Mahiru stutter.

"I-I'm fine.." I muttered, pulling Ash closer to me.

He isn't letting me go.. At this rate, I'll lost enough blood to pass out once I'm on the ground. I thought, gripping his hoodie slightly.

"A-Ash.. Tha-That's enough.. Ple-Please.." I stuttered out, moving my hands in his hoodie.

"Ku-Kuro.. Stop, that's enough.." Mahiru stuttered as well.

I rolled my head back, seeing the sky. It was slowly going white, meaning I'm close to passing out. But, it went away as Ash pulled away. Before he dropped me, he kissed my wound on my neck.

"Ku-Kuro..?" Mahiru muttered. "What the hell is going on?!"

"(Y/n), are you okay..?" Bisha asked me, holding me close to her.

"Mhm.. I'm fine.." I lied, looking at Ash. His crimson eyes changed into a crazy set of eyes that I don't know. His power is incredible. But, that incredibleness turned into something to fear as a cat came out of his back, letting blood oozes free to consume Mahiru.

"Bisha.. Is this what happened when you overlook your will..?" I asked her, seeing Ash and Mahiru.

"Yeah.. The servamp consumes its eve." Bisha answered. 

I got up and felt myself go into the same form as I did with Tsubaki. Only that I can control it more than last time. I ran towards Mahiru and Sakuya, going in the air as I protect them.

"(Y-Y/n)?! Is that you?!" I heard Mahiru ask.

I stayed quiet, looking at Ash. Soon enough, there was bullets shot at him. It was Doubt-Doubt. Within a couple more shots, Ash was back into his cat form. I landed on the ground and put down Mahiru and Sakuya safely. Returning to my regular form, I passed out, still able to hear everything they were talking.

[Next Day: Morning]

I woke up, seeing that Ash wasn't around at all. The memories of last night..I pushed myself too much. I almost lost control when Sakuya hurt Misono and Lily. I would've killed him.

I got up and went inside the closet, hugging my legs to I'd fit in.

The door opens and closed, meaning someone came in. I didn't move nor did I look. Hiding my face, I felt myself crying with no sound.

"(Y/n)..? Where are you?" I heard Ash call out to me.

I didn't answer. I hugged my legs tighter, not wanting to come out. But, I was found either way.

"Oi, (Y/n).. What are you doing here?"

"Ash.. Be honest with me, yeah?" I muttered to him.

"All right.."

Kuro's POV

"All right.." I muttered.

"Is it okay to loose control? Of the power that you have?" (Y/n) asked.

"If your new, I guess so.."

"And is it okay.. to be scared..?" My eyes widened as I saw (Y/n)'s face. "Cause I'm scared, Ash.. I'm scared of loosing control."

I sighed. "What a pain.."

Opening the closet more, I picked her up and closed the closet. Her arms went around my neck as her head was digging into my neck. It made me blush from her breath hitting my neck. I sat down on the bed and held her closely, letting her cling onto me a bit.

After some time passed, (Y/n) relaxed and pulled away, letting me see her face. There was leftover tears on her cheeks, so I wiped it away.

"So..you're not gonna..tell me anything..?" (Y/n) mumbled.

"No.. It's troublesome just to say something. I'm here for you." I told her, resting my head against her neck.


"Am I suppose to say that since I'm your boyfriend?"

(Y/n) laughed a bit, making me look up at her. I smiled slightly seeing that she was laughing, and that I was the one to make her laugh. But, my eyes trailed onto her neck, makinv my smile fade away. It was bandaged up.

"Oi, (Y/n).." I called out to her.

Her laughter died down and looked at me. My finger trailed into her injured neck. I sighed and rested myself on her shoulder.

"Ash? What's wrong?" (Y/n) asked me, her fingers tangled around in my hair.

"Why didn't you push me away? When I bit you.. I don't understand why you didn't." I muttered, sighing.

"Well, it was the only way to protect both you and Mahiru. What I do is for everyone I care for. Even if it means to risk myself, then I'm fine with that. And you seemed to like my blood, so I let you." (Y/n) answered.

I just hummed, lazily laying down to make (Y/n) be on top of me. Kissing her head, I patted her back.



"I love you.." I muttered, looking at her face. She was a blushing mess once she heard me. Then again, I'm saying this for the first time other than her.

"I love you too, Ash." (Y/n) said, smiling softly.

Moving my hands, I rested one of my hand behind her neck and pulled her in for a kiss. She gasped from the sudden action, but kissed back. I licked her bottom lip, wanting to enter her mouth. She accepted and I was claiming her in her mouth. Our tongue would run over each other as we deepen the kiss for more passion. But, we pulled away for air, looking at each other once we opened our eyes.

(Y/n) was flustered, getting air in her lungs while I was just looking at her.

"A-Ash.. Why-Why did you do that..?" (Y/n) asked.

"Cause it's troublesome if someone else did it.." I stated, holding her closer.

She nodded, moving closer to me. I looked down at her, seeing that she was closing her eyes.

Sighing, I got the blanket and covered her in it, letting her rest. By that time, (Y/n) was already asleep.

Do you regret being with me..? I thought, leaving her room.

"Of course she does.." I muttered, walking down the hall.

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