(Y/n) VS Everyone Else [REPUBLISHED]

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Third Person POV

As (Y/n) was getting stronger and more powerful by the second, she kept her eyes locked on Kuro. The C3 had shocked her so many times, put liquids in her body, it made her believe she's been in there for so long.. Even when it was only eleven hours.

Eleven hours was all it took.. Just to break her down and suck out each hope she had left of being saved. Now, (Y/n) thought she was the Servamp of Sloth.

"(Y/n), cut it out! This isn't you! Please come ba--"

Bisha was cut off as (Y/n) kneed her to the stomach. It was strong enough to make her spit out blood.

Wh..what the fuck..did the..C3..do..? Bisha thought, falling onto her knees.

"Don't you dare say my name..WITHOUT MY CONSENT!" (Y/n) shouted, kicking Bisha away from her.

Bisha landed onto the other side of the room, falling into her face as she struggled to stand up again.

"Stay down if you value your life.." (Y/n) stated, not looking at her servamp in pain.

Why..? Why is this happening..?

"Lily now!" Misono called out, pushing everyone else back.

"Misono! Lily! No! If Bisha can't, then what can you do?!" Mahiru called out, trying to stop them. But, Kuro had pulled him behind him, since Mahiru had gotten ahold Asumi.

What do we do?! I need to put (Y/n) down! But..I don't wanna hurt her.. Mahiru thought, looking at his friend. But, putting it simply, he needed to use force against (Y/n). She knows how to fight, she knows some of their weaknesses.

The only answer was force.

"Kuro.. Do whatever you need to do..to get (Y/n) back." The Eve of Sloth commanded his servamp, not able to look up.

Kuro was surprised that his eve told him to use violence. Then again, this is (Y/n) who they're talking about. The one person who carries guns and daggers, using them in fights against Tsubaki's subclass.

Following his orders, Kuro attacked (Y/n) with his claws, but it was blocked with (Y/n)'s tails.

"So..trying to be like me..? That pissed me off.." (Y/n) muttered, her eyesight on Kuro as her other tails focus of Lily and Misono.

"You're so troublesome.. Break through what they made you believe.."

I'm trying..

"They didn't do anything to me.. I'm just a servamp that didn't leave this place.."

Kuro stepped back and lazily looked at his companion. It was much of a pain to think of a plan, but it wasn't a pain to take her back.

In a blink of an eye, Kuro was sent towards a row of tubes. It hurt, but not as much as he thought it would.

"Daddy! Are you okay?!" Asumi asked, wanting to go towards him.

Her strength didn't cause any damage.. But why did it cause damage to Bisha? Thought Mahiru's servamp, looking at (Y/n).

Soon enough, Lawless and Licht joined the fight. (Y/n) was blocking each attack from both pairs. The pair of Greed were in her left while the pair of Lust were on her right.

"Little brothers.. You don't wanna hurt your big sister..do you?!" (Y/n) yelled out, attacking Lily with her tail as she gotten ahold of Lawless' sword. The blade was close to her face, but the point was broken as she threw it throws the wall were Bisha was. Idea had enough time to dodge and go for an attack on her eve.

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