In an Endless Sea [Chapter V: LEO]

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Chapter V:


"Leo, we need you on deck right now." I heard Frank knocking on my door.

I wanted to wait until he turns himself into a battering ram. But the way he pound my cabin's door it seems to be an emergency.

"I'm coming. Jeez." I stood up and wore my tool belt around my waist and rushed to the deck.

There I saw the whole Argo II crew with...... Okay I can't come up with a name for this monster.

It looks like a giant lobster but instead of lobster claws it has tentacles as replacements.

"Who ever made you must have been really down." I can't help say it.

"Leo, just help us." I don't know if Piper was charm speaking me or I just see they need the help of Admiral Leo Valdez.

I summoned a sledge hammer from my tool belt and started smashing the monsters tentacles.

A little tip when facing this monster... Never use a sledge hammer. It turns out it hated sledge hammers; I must've irritated the monster because it grabbed me with its tentacle and played fetch with its other tentacles.

I was all over the place. Like literally. I feel like I'm flying with every throw of the monster. I think this is where my seasickness would start. I hate sea monsters and that's a fact.

"Uhm, guys, hello! As much as I enjoy being thrown everywhere I think I might need some help!" I shouted at my friends who were trying to distract the monster while Percy summoned a big wave to wash away the lobster. The riptide must've not worked because Percy put the cap of the pen back on. Piper's cornupia tossed sushi harmlessly to the lobster. I don't know if that was supposed to be an insult to the lobster or something but it sure didn't like it. Jason also tried summoning the wind but the lobster stayed perfectly still.

"Leo, use your sledge hammer, duh!" Frank shouted back.

"It doesn't like sledge hammers! Turn into something, I don't know, helpful? Get me out of here!" I was at the berg of panic because the lobster is tightening its grip.

"Hey, Percy, maybe he's your brother or something. Talk to it." He just gave me an irritated look.

I didn't know what he was thinking until I saw a big wave of sea water rushing to the monsters direction (and I was with the monster.. Oh, gods of Olympus, Is he planning to drown me?) I tried to loosen the grip of the lobster tentacles but what he does is the opposite.

When the salt water subsided I inhaled a lot of air. I never missed Oxygen in my life.

I realized I was flaming. My whole body was on fire. Then I realized the tentacles are gone. Well actually the whole lobster was gone.

"You burnt it, man. Way to go." Jason said while patting my back.

I just stared at the ash of the lobster. I'm hoping it stays in Tartarus for a century.

"Hey, Percy, I love your ocean-water-wave-hurricane-control powers, but I could really use some warning next time." I turned to Percy and I just heard him laugh.

"Whatever you say, Valdez" He said while holding his girlfriend's hand.

"That's Admiral Valdez to you." I said proudly.

"Yeah, I'll call you that when you stop wearing pink pajamas and fluffy bunny night slippers." Percy had a huge grin plastered on his face right now.

Only then I remembered I was in a hurry that I forgot to change into my normal clothes.

"Uhm, does this affect my being a ladies' man?" I asked with a knotted forehead.

"Oh, not actually, it doesn't affect you being a lady man." Frank said before laughing so hard.

I wasn't sure if what Frank said was supposed to be funny.

"C'mon big guy. Leave Leo alone." Hazel pulled Frank away from the deck to somewhere maybe to the stables. I'm not sure.

"Go get changed, Valdez. Your pink outfit is burning my eyes." Coach Hedge said. I didn't notice the satyr on the helm with his baseball bat and in his usual gym shorts, baseball cap and a whistle as if ready to call of a foul.

"Yeah, this is a fashion statement." I said before marching to my cabin to change my clothes.


A/N: Sorry for this. :) Well I tried to make it a little similar to the book. So I decided to write a scene where Argo II have to fight monsters. I don't know if it turned out well. XD And if you didn't like this chapter, sorry. =) I just wanted to make it sound a little realistic (I don't know what's realistic with lobsters that have tentacles, but yeah.) Thank you for reading. :) Comment your thoughts. :) i love y'all.

PS: Excuse the grammatical and typographical errors. :)


In an Endless Sea (A Leo Valdez and Calypso Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now