In an Endless Sea [Chapter XIV: LEO]

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Chapter XIV


"VALDEZ! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! WHERE ARE YOU?!" I heard Coach Hedge's voice. I looked around trying to see if seeing that giant humanoid figure was just a hallucination. I saw nothing but darkeness. That's a good thing, right?

"I don't know coach. Last thing I remember I fell asleep with a smell of stew. Oh and a giant humanoid figure." I said trying to make things clearer for him.

I tried imagining the whole stew-humanoid thing I can perfectly see the scenario. But it was not what I saw before I fell asleep. He was with another giant figure. I don't know what to call them. I've faced monsters before and I know what it feels. It's scary. You feel like your heart is ready to jump out of your chest anytime but this one was different. For reason I don't understand I don't feel any threat having these giants around. While looking at the scenario I realized that this is happening live. It was like I was astral projecting or something.

"Oh no, this is not good. Not good." I heard clattering of teeth. Whose teeth? I don't have any idea.

"Hey, you're acting all weird. What's up." I asked him trying to make him spill.

"Don't you see? You're in Tartarus, you little twath. That's a giant and a titan right there. You're definitely dead. Oh gods. Our empathy link. Oh gods." Coach Hedge was..... Was he having a panic attack?

Oh that was it. It was coach's teeth that were clattering.

"Coach. You can talk to me. I'm not dead. I'm alive." I tried to make my voice sound cheerful. I had to make both of us believe that I'm still alive.

I have to make us believe that the stew I was smelling was not made out of 'Leo Valdez'

Well I'm fireproof, right? RIGHT. But I'm not waterproof. Does that mean that If they boil me I'll get wet? Definitely. But will I get burn from the boiling water? That I do not know. But as of now I don't feel any heat so I guess I'm not bathing on a boiling water that smells like stew.

"They're walking up to you, Valdez! Do something!" Coach shouted and I can feel panic rising up in his system. Since we're connected I think I can feel what he feels.

"Coach how can I do something if I'm asleep?" I asked him wondering what I could do.

I felt huge hands shaking me.

Uhm, dad.... If you're listening, which I hope you are, please save me from this.... Thank you!

I hope that silent prayer reach my dad. But right now I've got important matters to attend to. Like how could I fight these two giants if in a more likely to happen case is that my dad won't help me.

As I was thinking my eyes flew open and I was awaken from the dream I had with Coach Hedge. The clattering of teeth.

"Stew." The 1st giant said.

From the top he is humanoid, with cherry-red skin, beard and hair the color of iron rust, bushy eyebrows, and multiple scars, his dreadlocks are decorated with bones. Bones of what? maybe demigods. But he doesn't scare me.

From the bottom, his dragon legs are red and he has claws on his feet. His clothes are not like the other giants we've faced. He wasn't wearing a bronze suit of armor but instead he was wearing a shirt stitched together from sheep hides and green-spotted leather.

I looked at him intently. He doesn't look dangerous. Really. Unlike all the other giants but he radiated something. Something strong. Something familiar to me. He radiated SORROW and BITTERNESS.

I felt that too. But I guess giants feel that way too.

"You eat then we send you back to earth." Said the giant.

"By Earth, you mean Gaea, right?" So this is what Tartarus was saying. He sent me here to be sent to Gaea. Well that was quite a dramatic way to end my life.

"No not Gaea. By earth we mean to your friends." The other giant said.

Okay so he is not a giant but yes he is huge but not as huge as the first one. Maybe he is younger than him or maybe he's just really short. I don't know which.

He wore a blue janitor's uniform, has wild Einstein silver hair that sticks up in every direction, a scraggly long beard, pure silver eyes, and is very thin and haggard. He also had broom slung on his back and a cute kitten sleeping soundly on his shoulder.

"Uhm, not that I'm objecting or something but why are you sending me back to my friends?" I tried to figure it out.

And I thought that maybe they want me to oppose my friends. No i wouldn't do that I'd rather die here than betray my team.

"Because we know Percy needs you." The giants said.

"STEW!" The one wearing the janitor's uniform exclaimed.

"You know Percy?" I asked innocently.

How could they know Percy?! oh right. They were here.

"Yes. Percy and Annabeth are friends. Percy named me bob. And I found my kitten and named him small bob." Bob said.

"So he named you Bob. Nice." I said trying to decipher what he said.

"So you're a giant too? but you to look different from each other." I asked Bob.

"No bob is a titan. Damasen is the giant." Again Bob answered.

So that explains it. they looked different from each other because they are different types of monsters. Friendly monsters. I hope.

"So you're going to help me?" I asked them.

They looked at each other. Like making a silent conversation.

"We will try." Damasen the giant said.

I tried to understand him but I was starving. My small intestine is already devouring my large intestine. I focused on the stew.

Wow, I must say, this stew tastes great.

"Wow, this is superb. What is this called?" I asked enthusiastically.

"Drakon Stew." Damasen said.

Did I hear him right?! WHAAAATTTTT?!


A/N: Okay I'm still sick. But I wanted to write something. I guess I have to take my mind off the stress. I have to take my mind off of a lot of things. I hope you like this chapter.

Please comment your thoughts. Comments are highly appreciated. Thanks. :** iloveyouall

zenzoo: This is dedicated to you, :) Thank you for the comment. You're awesome. THANKSSS again. :) <3 I hope you like this chapter. :)

~treshieyow<3:* xx

In an Endless Sea (A Leo Valdez and Calypso Fan fiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt