In an Endless Sea [Chapter VI: LEO]

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Chapter VI:


A week after our adventures in the doors of death the whole Argo II experienced a lot of monster attacks.

Maybe the Athena Parthenos is attracting all of 'em but I can't say that out loud. Annabeth might kill me. But deep inside I really admire her and Percy for making it out of Tartarus sane. Or at least as sane as they used to be.

Half way to Greece, Roman Praetor of the Legion, Reyna landed on deck with her poisoned pegasus.

Percy tried talking to the pegasus since he's the only one who speaks their language.

"Hey, man. Are you okay?" Percy asked with sadness in his voice.

"Yes, boy. We'll help you." Percy told the pegasus while touching its mane.

"No. I can't let her do that, boy." Percy said. He seems to be holding back tears.

"What did Scippio tell you, Percy?" Reyna asked Percy.

"He told me to tell you kill him." Percy told Reyna.

"I'm sorry I have to do this, Scippio."

Reyna got her dagger and aimed at Scippio. Percy tried to stop her but she told him that is what Scippio, The Pegasus, wants maybe it's the only way to end his suffering.

We watched Reyna as she wiped.

Annabeth gave Reyna a glass of water while Piper gave her a sandwich from her cornupia.

Reyna asked why Annabeth sent her a letter to follow them and Annabeth explained about the mark of Athena and the Athena Parthenos.

Annabeth said that the Parthenos should be brought back to camp half blood before the war that Octavian is leading take place.

"Wait, why me?" Reyna asked Annabeth the question I was about to ask. Like yeah, why her? She's roman. She tried to kill Annabeth back in Rome so why her? Why not me? Or anyone from the Argo II?

"I can't trust any other Roman demigod to bring this back to camp half blood." Annabeth said which made Jason react.

"Hey, I'm Roman." Jason said.

"Yeah and we can't afford to lose you on this quest." Annabeth told Jason while looking a Reyna.

"I don't have my pegasus. I can't take that statue with me. Even if I ride a plane, do you honestly believe that that would fit in the plane?" Reyna said while trying not to look at Annabeth.

Only then I realized that she wanted to kill Annabeth in Rome because she tried hitting on Percy but was rejected by him because of Annabeth.

"I'll take her." Nico said. As usual he came out of nowhere which scared all of us.

"But Nico--" Hazel tried to say something but was cut by Nico.

"Sister, I have to do this. This is the only thing I can do to help after they rescued me from that bronze jar." Nico kissed Hazel on the cheek which made her shut up.

"We'll shadow travel. I'll take her and the statue to camp half blood." Nico said as if the matter has been decided upon already.

"But Nico, you said you can't travel that far enough by yourself. How are you going to make it to camp half blood?" Percy said with a worried tone.

Nico looked as if Percy struck a sensitive point. Nico looked at Percy resentfully.

"I'll make a series of jumps. Reyna can defend me while I take a rest every jump and once I'm done resting we make another jump until we reach camp. That's the only way." Nico said.

At last everyone agreed.

"Like I have a choice." Reyna muttered.

After the discussion Nico went below deck to prepare for their voyage.

"thanks, Reyna." Annabeth thanked Reyna with sencerity.

"If it's the only way to prevent a war and protect my camp. I'll do anything." Reyna said still not looking at Annabeth but she sound shaky.

"You're a great praetor. Don't worry about Nico. He's a good person." Annabeth assured Reyna.

After Annabeth said that Reyna turned around and walked away.

I just heard Annabeth sighed. Percy kissed her on the forehead and told her he was just going below deck to talk to Nico.

I went to the engine room and decided to take a load off and relax with my machines.


A/N: Yeah! \mmm/ so how's chapter 6? :)) I'm sorry for this short update. I hope you like it though. :)) I urged myself to update the story because I don't know if I can update it next week. But there I hope you liked it. Thank you for reading. I love you all. :** Cool readers! I'm so overwhelmed. Again I love you all. Like really! You guys are the best. :)

P.S: Please excuse the grammatical and typograpical errors. :)


In an Endless Sea (A Leo Valdez and Calypso Fan fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang