In an Endless Sea [Chapter IX: NICO]

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Chapter IX


The first 2 jumps were fine. Nothing unusual happen. No monsters. Actually, that's something unusual. But I don't like to point that out.

"I guess three more jumps and were in camp half blood." I said looking around trying to figure out where in the world we were.

As I turned to my left I saw the famous landmark of Spain. Sagrada Familia.

"We're in Spain." I told them.

"We can see that. So what now?" Reyna asked impatiently.

"Now we rest, Praetor." I told her.

I can feel my legs tremble. I can feel thr exhaustion.

As soon as I sat down an army of bull-humanoid appeared.

It looked so much like a minotaur but it's twice its size. Reyna and Coach Hedge jumped off their butts and drew their weapons.

Reyna drew her sword and attacked the first monster.

The monster charged.

Reyna tried to side step the monster but it turns out it's not as stupid as the minotaur. It manage to change its direction easily and aimed towards Reyna.

I was about to call caoch hedge when i saw he was being attacked too.

I guess it leaves me no choice.

I have to use my energy to help them.

I concentrated and summoned the dead with the use of the scepter.

It glowed with violet light and in a matter of second an army of the dead rose from the ground and surrounded the monsters but stood blank waiting for orders. Well, they won't listen to me. I'm not roman. I can only summon them but I'm not a praetor, they won't listen to me.

Reyna got shocked with the appearance of the army of the dead.

"REYNA! Give your orders. They'll listen to you." I shouted.

Reyna woke up from being... amazed/scared? whatever her reaction was I have no time to read it.

"Why me?! you summoned them, why don't you do it?!" Yeah, that's it. She was scared.

Who wouldn't be scared in a son of hades or pluto in Roman form, summoning the dead. How silly of me. How could I have forgotten that detail?

"You're their praetor! These are Roman Demigod soldiers." I tried to explain it briefly on her and tried not to use a lot of time because the monsters are charging again.

"Legion, lock shield!" Reyna commanded.

The whole army of the dead locked their shields covering Reyna, Coach Hedge and me.

The monsters tried to charged against the shield of the risen legion but was unsuccessful to destroy the roman guards.

"Guards! Aim your bows." Again the risen roman soldiers aimed their bows and shot the monsters in unison.

I watched amazed as all the monsters disintigrated to yellow sulfuric ash. The smell of Tartarus.

After the monster disintigrate.

"Guards, you did well. Relieve of your posts." Reyna said.

Just like that the army of dead roman soldiers fell to the ground lifelessly the same time my vision blacked out and I don't know what happened next.


A/N: So yeah, I hope I gave justice on Nico's POV. I hope you liked this chapter. Comment your thoughts. :) thhhhhhhaaaannnnkssss in advance for the comments and votes. :)

~treshieyow<3:* xx

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