In an Endless Sea [Chapter XVII: ANNABETH]

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Chapter XVII


I don't know how, in the name of the Olympian gods, we could get Leo out of Tartarus when we're in the middle of our way across Greece.

They whole ship had been feeling down since he was gone. Also Festus doesn't seem to be in the mood to creek since he learned that his friend was missing.

"We have to go to Tartarus, guys." Percy said. He was determined to go back to Tartarus. I admire him for his spirit. But I cannot let him go back. We almost died there in the hands of the Lord of the Pit. I can't risk another try.

I shot him a sharp stare and I see his facial expression change. From a determined facial expression to a hopeless facial expression.

I wouldn't let h for zeus' sake. I couldn't bear lose him again.

"Percy, it's 4 days before the feast of spes. We have only 4 days to het to Greece and defeat Gaea. We don't have enough time to reverse our course and go back to Rome." Jason said. Percy is much better in sea travel and measurements than that of Jason but I know Percy would agree with what Jason said.

I just saw Percy sat on his chair and bowed his head as if thinking of another way. He then looked at me. I know he was asking for my opinion since I'm the one who always comes up with something.

"Sorry Percy, but, no." I shook my head while saying that. I won't let him sail to his own death. He is my Seaweed Brain. No one could take him away.

Selfish? yes. But that Hera forced me to be this selfish. She made me lose him and I don't want that again. Once is enough.

While we were talking Percy stood up and looked at the side of Argo II.

He shouted and called Jason.

"Dude! Could you fly down there." Percy shouted and pointed at something. Or someone.

It was a girl. Ridig a raft bhow could she have sailed to Greece on a raft and stayed alive? weird.

"Percy, who's that?" Piper asked the question I wanted to know.

"Calypso." Percy said.

My eyes widen when I heard the name. She took care of Percy during the battle of the Labyrinth. She almost took Percy. And now she's here? Great.

And now I just wish I let Percy go back to Tartarus but of course I'll go with him.

When Jason flew down the raft and got Calypso to the deck she looked around. Scanning for something? I don't know. Maybe scanning for Percy so I stepped to Percy's side and held his hand.

I looked desperate? i don't care. This seaweed brain is mine. I'm not into sharing.

"Percy." Calypso called him.

I looked at Percy and I saw him gave her a smile.

How dare you, Seaweed Brain?

My thoughts objected the smile he gave her. But of course he doesn't know that. He's so clueless. And I'm jealous. But still, he doesn't know that.

I let go of his hand and stepped back. He wants to go to her? FINE. I don't care.

"Hi. I'm Annabeth Chase. Daughter of Athena. If you need me, I'll be in my room." After I said that I turned my back and walked to my room. I felt them staring at me but I don't care. I'm jealous. And I hate Percy.


I've been sitting in my room for hours trying to study dandalus laptop but nothing seems to be absorbed by my mind. Weird.


I heard a soft knock on my door.

"Come in." As soon as I said that the door opened and Percy was standing there.

"What was that about?" he asked. He doesn't sound angry but he sounded disappointed.

"What was what about?" I asked trying to make myself sound innocent but O obviously know what he was talking about.

He walked up to me and sat beside me.

"The way you acted in front of Calypso, Annie. What was that about?" He looked at the laptop trying to look at what I was working on.

"Oh that? It was nothing. I just like seeing you smiling at the girl who almost took you forever. And of course I also like it when you forgot to introduce me as your girlfriend because you were busy checking her out. You see? It was nothing, Percy. Really." I said sarcastically and gave him a sarcastic smile.

He was going to speak but I got out of my room and ran out to somewhere.

I took out the Yankees cap I got from my mom. It's working again. I can turn invisible again.

Good luck finding me, Seaweed Brain.

I headed straight to the helm.

There I saw Calypso. She was crying.

Yes, I'm jealous but seeing her cry the part of me who felt pain wanted to comfort her.

She was talking to herself. I know eavesdropping is bad but I can't help it. I went to the helm to hear what she says.

"I thought I'll find you here. But where are you?" She said while sobbing.

She's looking for someone. And that's not Percy. Because if it was she doesn't have to ask where he is because he is right there in the......

"ANNABETH!!" He was calling out my name.

I heard Calypso sad laugh.

"We are both looking for someone Percy." She gave out a sigh.

"Where are you, Leo. What's happened to you?" she stood up and went below deck.

She was looking for Leo.

Not Percy.

I was a jerk.

"Aaaaaaarggggghh." I groaned.

Maybe Percy heard me because he went to the helm and called my name.

"Annabeth?" he called out.

"Yes I'm here." I took off my Cap and became visible again.

He hugged me.

"You don't need to be jealous. She's not here for me." He laughed softly.

That made me blush.

"I know. She was here for Leo." I said. I know she was. I heard her.

Percy just nodded. And looked at me.

"We'll help her, Perce. We have to." I said looking at the floor. I felt guilty being a jerk to her.

"Yes, Baby. We will. But we have to kill Gaea first." While Percy was talking we heard footsteps.

Someone was running to get up the helm.

"Guys! come to the deck... It's important." Hazel shouted excitedly.

She didn't wait for us. She ran again to go to the deck and we followed her.

I held Percy's hand tightly.

"You look cute when you're jealous." He said.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes and walked down to the deck with him.


A/N: Percabeth Moment guys. :)))) I hope you like this. I really can't sleep. :'( whyyyyy??? :'< thereeee thanks for reading. :))


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