In An Endless Sea [Chapter XXII: LEO]

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Chapter XXII


I could stay like this forever.

I could stay staring at her and not get tired a single moment.

But of course that can't be.

I looked at her. The face of the woman I'd risk my life just to see one more time and here she is-- In front of me. Staring back at me. Capturing my heart once again. Captivating me with the beauty of her eyes and the warmth of her breath.

And thanks to Frank, that beautiful moment had to end.

Frank went stumbling down the stables.

"Guys, we need you up there." Frank said while panting.

What now? I looked at dad. Or the roof, technically.

Dad? what's up? why can't I enjoy being alone with her. Come on, couldn't you just blow him up or burn it down for me. Just this once?

And of course I've gotten 'No' for an answer. He didn't even show a sign that he's gonna help. So I guess I have to beat things up on my own. Thanks a lot dad.

I stumped my feet and walked to the deck. I gave Calypso one last glance and I told her to just stay down here where it's safe. well, that didn't work she walked up to me. Held my hand and pulled me towards the deck.

To my surprise, I saw 12 giant telkhines.

Damn. Those are big monsters.

Not to mention these things hate Percy because he is a son of Poseidon. So, I know it will definitely want to destroy anything that is helping Percy-- which happened to be us and my ship.

Piper, Hazel and Nico drew their sword. Well, yeah Piper knows how to use a sword now, Hazel taught her. Now, she's really dangerous-- a charmspeaking, sword fighting daugther of Aphrodite? Creepy. She could just tell you to drop your sword and then stab you weaponless. I decided not to make her mad. On the front row was Percy, Annabeth, Frank, Jason and of course Damasen and Bob. I joined them in the first row. And I saw Calypso joined Hazel, Piper and Nico at the back.

"Nice you could join us, Admiral." Percy said while he stood straight and gave me a salute.

Not sure if that was supposed to be an insult but hey it's not everyday someone as good as Percy salutes at you so I liked it.

Percy drew riptide and Jason also drew his sword. Frank shape-shifted. Nico summoned his graveyard friends. Hazel, Piper and Calypso made a fighting stance. Annabeth drew her bone sword. Cool by the way. Damasen lifted his cane which is made out of bones just like Annabeth's. Ok another cool weapon. Bob drew his broom. I don't how that would help but I just let the guy do his thing. And I summoned my hammer.

The telkhines charged and we counterattacked the monsters.


Bob swept his broom and 2 monsters disintegrated into sulfuric dust.

OK. Remind me not to underestimate Bob's broom. That's one sharp broom.

The telkhines didn't seem to like Bob sending their friends back to Tartarus.

One of the telkhines swung his tail towards Bob's direction.

Small Bob, Bob's kitten, purred. But the kind of purr that you will know he is angry.

He got down from Bob's shoulder and a moment later it turned into a giant skeletal cat.... No let me correct that. It turned into a giant skeletal TIGER. Yeah, he turned into a tiger.

Small Bob charged and bit the telkhine's tail. The monster squealed in agonizing pain and then slowly disintegrated into dust just like the first two.

"Leo!" I heard Calypso shouted.

I turned to her and she motioned me to to throw her my hammer.

I hesitated. What if she can't catch? I can't risk killing her myself, you know.

"Leo, I'm not stupid. I can catch that." She shouted. Wait what? She read minds?!

I threw my hammer towards her and she caught it. Great. Good job.

"Good job, Baby." I shouted.

She gave me a mischievous grin before she turned toward 2 telkhines.

Hazel And Piper looked at her with shock on their faces.

She hammered 2 telkhines and it turned into ashes.

I smiled.

"THAT'S MY GIRL!" I shouted and she pointed something behind me.

I turned to see 4 monsters charged towards me.

Piper and Hazel drew their swords and slashed 2 of it. OK! 2 down. Now, how about the other 2?

Annabeth and Damasen ran towards the other 2 and stabbed it with their skeletal swords and the it disintegrated.

"Leo!" Once more I hear Calypso's voice.

She threw me my hammer back.

"Now, kill those monsters for me!" she shouted again.

I gave her a huge grin.

I turned around and kept killing telkhines with Percy, Jason, Annabeth, Bob, Damasen, Piper, Hazel, Nico and Rhinoceros Frank until there were no more telkhines in sight.

Calypso ran to me and gave me a hug.

"I'm so proud of you." She kissed me on my cheeks. How I wish that kiss landed on my lips.

She tapped my lips and gave out a soft laugh.

"That's not happening this time, Leo." She said with a smile on her face.

I grunted.

The other demigods laughed even Nico.

"What's wrong hot stuff?" Nico asked with that dark smile on his face.

I just smiled at him.

"Doesn't matter." I said and turned to Calypso and winked at her.

She just smiled.

I walked up to her and pulled her back to the stables.

What happened on the deck after? I have no idea.


A/N: Here's an update for my wonderful readers. :)) I hope you like this chapter. :) comment your thoughts. XD


In an Endless Sea (A Leo Valdez and Calypso Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now