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I was almost shaking with excitement when I realized how close we were to Hogwarts. It was a home for all of us, with its tall gray stone towers and gleaming windows it was simply breathtaking. Hogwarts was my escape from my blood purist parents who expected to much from me and my six older siblings.

I stood up and slung my messenger bag around my shoulder and reached up to get my bigger bag, but before my fingers reached the cool leather, another bigger, obviously stronger hand, reached up and pulled my bag down. I turned around and was surprised to find James holding my bag with a cheeky smile.

"Here, I got it, Care," he said. "I can carry it down to the platform for you."

"Thank you, James. That's very kind," I smiled up at him.

I looked at Paige and she was looking at James as if he were an alien. I shrugged in her direction to let her know I was just as confused.

As we walked over to the carriages, I noticed something different. There were 4 ugly, reptilian things set to pull the carriages. I could've sworn that they pulled themselves... I didn't ride the train last year, I took a train into hogsmeade a day after the term began due to... something personal.

"What in Merlin's name are those?" I asked quietly in wonder.

Ada turned around and looked at me with a worried expression. "What are you talking about?"

"Um nothing I guess..."

She gave me a odd look but kept walking. I realized that no one else must have seen them. I looked down at my feet in thought. Paige snapped me out of it when she grabbed my shoulder. She smiled a kind, reassuring smile. "It's alright, Carina. I can see them too. You're not crazy."

"What are they?" I asked awestruck.

"They are threstrals. You didn't see them last year because you came late. You are only able to see them if you yourself have seen death."

I nodded, feeling a bit better knowing I wasn't delusional and jumped into the carriage after Paige where I noticed the only empty seat was squished in between James and Sirius. I don't know if you know this but these are two very tall, broad boys. Both are 16 but, definitely over 6 ft tall. Not a very comfortable place in a cramped carriage.

I looked at Paige who was snickering. I noticed she was sitting in between Ada and Remus so she was completely comfortable. I glared at her almost a bit playfully but sat down anyways. I tried making myself as small as possible but I was still squished.

But after about 10 minutes of laughter and talking, I noticed someone was missing. "Hey, where's Peter," I asked no one in particular.

"He's probably with Mary McDonald or some other poor girl." James said looking around just noticing peters absence. "Oh ok," I said dismissing the thought.

As we finally arrived at Hogwarts. I was probably grinning like a madman. From the smirks my friends where giving me, I could assume that. But I didn't care, I was finally home. As I got out, I walked up to the gate, Paige close behind me. We follow a few teachers and 7th years who were leading the group inside.

I walked in the dinning hall, I rushed to the Gryffindor table where I sat by at pretty girl with green eyes and long brown hair. I watched as my friends followed me and sat beside and across from me. I turned to the girl beside me and smiled.

"Hi! I'm Carina Kennedy"

She smiled at me. "Hello! Nice to meet you. I'm Nicole Thornton."

I held out my hand to shake hers. She shook it with enthusiasm. "Nice to meet you to." I answered, turning back to the podium where Dumbledore was standing.

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