Room 5a

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I had set aside my negative thoughts trying to convince myself that this wasn't meaningless for Calum.

He was a good guy who is known for all my life and I trusted him not to just lead me on and leave me the next day.

"Would you like a snack from the bar downstairs?" Calum asked me as he grabbed a room key after putting on his shirt and jeans.

"Nah I'm okay thanks."

As he picked up his jacket, something caught my eye a folded piece of paper
fell from his pocket.

I hoped that he wouldn't notice so that I could read it in the short time that he would be gone.

"I'll be back in 5." He said before placing a short kiss on my lips. I nodded and smiled in return.

I felt a little naked I'll admit he was back fully dressed and I was still in my Bra and underwear.

But once he left I quickly went to retrieve the fallen paper knowing that I didn't have that much time before he got back.

The paper was entitled Ashley. It read.

You were mine for a night, I was out of my mind. You had me wrapped around your finger.

So this was about me?

Was this some kind of romantic poetry?

Song lyrics? Calum wasn't that musical, I mean I'd heard him sing once and he was pretty good.

A letter? I mean would he ever give it to me?

I had always been a nosey one. That's actually how I found out about my parents divorce.

I found the divorce papers before they told Natasha and I. Then I found out why by reading my mothers texts to my grandma.

"I'm back." Calum said before oddly stripping off his clothes again.

I laughed at his actions.

"I wa-" I was cut off by the sound of Calum's phone ringing.

"One sec it's Sophie." He said holding the phone to his ear.

"Out. Yes I'm with her. So what, why does that matter?No we didn't do anything. Why would we? Sophie babe I'm not going to argue with you about how I spend my time with. Okay bye babe."

He signed as he put his phone back on the bedside table next to mine.

We had both agreed not to use our phones tonight so we put them away.

"You broke the phone rule."

"Sorry." Calum said with his head in his hands.

"Is everything okay?" I asked

He nodded,"she thinks I'm cheating on her with you."

"Well are you?"

"I don't even know." He said sighing again rubbing at his face.

I think the guilt was really starting to get to him like it had me but I knew something that he didn't.

I should tell him. He would want to know especially at a time like this.



"Sophie's cheating on you."

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Well there it is, y'all probably guessed it ages ago I'm so obvious it hurts lol.

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