Chapter 15 (Part 4)

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Hey guys, Butterlover328 here with the next chapter of the Potter Twins!! This one is a bit short because I only just got back from vacation where I had no internet access for almost two weeks, so I had to write all this by hand. (But I did get a lot done, and I'm really happy with what I have.) Anyways, I'm going to keep this author's note short since none of you guys read it anyways, so I'll see you at the end!! I hope you enjoy the chapter!! Bye!!

Upon entering the final chamber, Percy did three things. First, he placed the glasses that he had pickpocketed off of Harry on his face and took a moment to get used to them. Second, he cursed whoever had decided it was a good idea to have him be nearsighted and his brother farsighted, and finally, he took a quick panoramic of the room so that he could plan his next move, which currently was hiding behind a pillar before either Quirrell or Voldemort could spot him as they quarreled about how to get the stone from the Mirror of Erised, which was the only object in the room.

"Master, I don't know how to get past it. Do I break the mirror?? Do I solve a riddle?? It's not doing anything!! All I see is me giving the stone to you, but there's nothing else!! How do I get the stone??" Quirrell's voice rang out. Percy would have once again been impressed with the man's acting skills if he hadn't been working for the man who tried to kill him and his brother.

"Quirrell, you utter buffoon!! Do you not see the writing above the mirror?? There is some kind of code up there!! Now use what little brains you have and turn around to let me see it!!" The voice of Voldemort hissed. Percy barely stifled a yelp of pain as his scar exploded as the oily voice of the madman reached his ears. He took a deep breath to settle himself as he racked his brain for some semblance of a plan.

Unfortunately, as Fate would have it, the option to wait was taken from him as the felt a sudden pressure in his chest. He tried to resist the urge to cough, but the pressure was too much for his lungs. He tried to muffle the noise as much as possible with the sleeve of his shirt, but it was all in vain as the cough echoed through the chamber.

"What was that??" Quirrel asked as he was shaken out of the argument with his master to search for the source of the noise.

"You fool!! It's probably Potter!! The boy finally caught up to us!! Quick, use the spell to find out where he is!!" Voldemort rasped.

"What spell??"

"The human detector spell, you imbecile!! I'm dealing with an idiot for a host!!"

"Sorry, Master."

"Quiet Quirrell, I'm plotting." Voldemort shushed.

"Yes, Master."

Percy couldn't see the professor from his angle, so he took a few calming breaths to center himself and help his lungs recover before he summoned up the courage to step out of his hiding place. However, before he could reveal himself, Voldemort spoke.

"Come out and show yourself, Potter. We know you're out there. You will suffer less pain if you reveal yourself now than if you continue this silly game of hide and seek."

"Ooh, I don't know, Master. Hide and Seek actually sounds quite fun." Quirrell quipped.

"Quiet Quirrell!!"

"Sorry, Master."

As Quirrell and Voldemort were quibbling with each other, Percy considered his options. He could listen to Voldemort and reveal himself on his own terms, or he could stay put and would likely be found by the madman anyways, and then he would be cornered. After all, it wouldn't be too taxing on Quirrell to find him since his only available hiding place is behind a pillar, and that isn't the most secure vantage point in the world. With his mind made up, Percy pulled out his custom wand and stepped away from the pillar behind Quirrell.

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