Chapter One: Everydays a new day

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"Madison! Madison!" I wake up to my little brother gray shaking me. "It's time for school and you don't want to be late" he says.

How weird is that my little brother waking me up I think to myself before sitting up. Gray runs out of my room and I lean over to flip the light switch on.

I force myself to stand up and i walk out of my room. I walk down the hall and peak in my dads room but he's already gone. My dad leaves early in the morning and gets back late at night so gray and I hardly ever see him. Only on Sunday's, he never leaves on Sunday's cause that's a family day. My mom was all in to that before she passed away.

I walk downstairs to the kitchen where gray is already at the counter. I take the pancakes dad makes every morning for gray and I before we leaves and heat them up. When I'm done eating them I go back upstairs to get ready.

It's really hard to find clothes when they are all packed up in boxes. We just moved in to a brand new house and for some reason this one is bigger then the other, the other house was an average size but this one is huge. It's a full on mansion and I hate it.

I decide on black leggings and a white t shirt because who am I trying to impress. I slip on adidas and head out my bedroom door. I grab my keys and yell for gray. After 2 minutes he comes running down the stairs. He walk out to the car and I start driving to his bus stop.

"Now listen gray this is a-" I start to say before he cuts me off.

"Yea I know a new school and cause our family is special we shouldn't draw attention to us" he says as rolling his eyes. "I've had this talk a million times".

"Well.. I can't deny that.." I say disappointed. I truly do feel bad for gray he lost our mom at a young age and hardly sees our dad. Yea our dad is an amazing father, he loves and cares about us but we has secrets just like the rest of us.

When I drop gray off at his bus stop I give him a reassuring look before he runs off. I drive to my school and when I arrive I get knots in my stomach.

I get out the car and grab my book ab before heading in. I walk to the front office so they can give me my schedule and a tour.

After a very long and boring tour I head to my first class and open the door and walk to the back of the class.

Five minutes in to class a guy walks in and sits right next to me. "Hello beautiful.. You new around here" he whispers smirking at me.

It takes me a minute to realize he's talking to be but when I do I turn around and say yea trying to cut the conversation short.

"Well my name is Mason and here's my number" he says slipping a paper on my desk.

"Wow" I turn around trying to hide a smile "your not that good a flirting".

"Listen beautiful are you going to text me or not" he says smiling.

"Maybe I will.. Maybe I won't" I say before the teacher yells at us. For the rest of the class I sit in silence.
The end of the day comes around and I finish a successful first day of school. I get in my car and drive home. To my dads car in the drive way. I run in excited to see him. When I open the door he's sitting on the stairs in his suit.

"DAD!" I scream running up to him. He stand up and hugs me. "Why are you home so early? And where's gray" I say after hugging him confused.

"Gray is at uncle Jay's house you and I need to take care of some business" he says. "Go change".

I know my dad and I'm not questioning him but I'm way to confused.

Madison- Alexis Ren
Mason- Jay Alvarrez
Gray- Jacob sartorius
Antonio (dad)- Brad Pit
(More characters to come).

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