Chapter seven: love and hate

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I slowly back up and know I'm about to die. Mason my family's enemy is standing here. Maybe I'll die maybe I'll escape, I don't know but I know that mason is the hottest man I've ever seen. I completely forgot about Luca who almost killed me just a few hours ago. Oh no am I becoming a hoe? Oh no I can't be a hoe I mean Luca did just try to kill me. But oh jeez Mason is way hotter then Luca and I've thought that since I met him the first day of school.

This war in my head is going on and I forgot Mason was talking.

"Uhh what?" I ask.

Mason smiled and then looked at my face. Everything was silent and we were just looking at eachother. I always found found him attractive but I never actually looked at the details. His jawline, his hair, his eyes, his nose. Just everything was gorgeous. It was broken when we heard a nose from the woods.

"Madison" he says and motions for me to get behind him.

I don't hesitate to hide behind him. He takes his hand and wraps it around me then he pulls a gun and points it towards where we heard the noise. When we here is again. Mason shoots.

"Madison" he whispers "get in the water".

"Mason what's that going to do" I ask.

"Just trust me and quick" he says.

Still confused but I do it anyway. I run in the water. And Mason shoots again. Then he runs in the water with me. I backup as he chargers towards me. Gun shoots get fired at us and he runs and grabs ahold of me and pushes me underwater. His water on top of mine and I still hear the gun shots. He pushes me up and above water and I take a breath before he pushes me backdown.

We both come above water and the gunshots stop.

"Madison" he whispers "get on my back"

I jump on his back and he starts running.

"Madison take the gun and shoot" he screams running and handing me the gun.

"Mason I've never done this-" I say but get cut off my gun shots.

"Ok" I continue "I'll shoot".

Still on his back I turn around and shoot at my uncle Jay and mr. Stefano. I'm really bad at shooting. Ok Madison your going to die runs through my mind.

"MADISON" he screams "SHOOT THE AIR".

I point the gun at the sky and shoot twice. Within seconds I see a helicopter appear and start to lower the ladder. I turn around and see Luca running with them also with a gun in his hand.

"Madison" Mason says and stops running.

"Umm Mason what are you doing" I say starting to panic.

Mason grabs my waist and pulls my around and kisses me.

I feel something I've never felt before. I close my eyes and kiss back. While he's kissing me I feel us being lifted. I stop and look down the helicopter is lifting us. I look at Luca who's holding a gun up and us. He shoots up and Mason falls. I grab on to his arm holding on with all my strength, hot tears stream down my face.

"MASON" I scream at the top of my lungs. The helicopter ifs us up and I scream for them to help Mason.

Some man lifts me up and pulls me back as they take Mason to the front.

"Hello. My names anthony and I'll be assisting you" he says with a smirk.

I wipe the tears from my face.

"Don't worry young thang I'm not associated with Mason's family so I don't want to kill you" he smiles.

I giggle a little bit and wipe my tears away.

"Anthony" someone screams.

"I'll be right back pretty young thang" and he leaves.

I lay my head on a seat and I close my eyes.
"Madison, madison" I hear and then wake up to Mason face. He kisses me again and I sit up. We are home. He picks me up bridal style and kisses me again.

"Madison" he blushes "I know it's kind of early but will you be my girlfriend". I smile widely "of course" I say. And he kisses me again.

As soon as we walk the helicopter my father and his father are standing there. Mason puts me down and I go behind him again.

"MADISON" my father screams "COME HERE NOW!".

I wanna stay behind Mason but I know my father and I walk over slowly. Mason grabs my arm and Yanks me back. I look at him like wtf dude.

I remember one time gray and I were at the beach with my dad and he called us over. Gray ran right over but I stayed where I was. I was 7 so I didn't care. Well that was a mistake my father locked me in my room for the entire weekend.

Mason pulls me close and looks in my eyes.

"Madison we don't have to do this. We can break away from our parents" he says.

"But how" I say acting like our fathers couldn't hear us. I was still confused on how two mafia leaders who were revivals were standing two inches away from eachother with out at death. Oh wait yea I do. There kids are in love.

"Madison, we could run away" he says.

"But" I say looking down at his injured knee where stupid Luca shot him.

"Dumbasses" his father says "we are right here" .

Well that's another thing our fathers are alike. They both call there child's dumbasses.

"Your coming with me!" My father says grabbing me.

"And you my son, are coming with me" Mason's father says grabbing him.

"You two are forbidden to love eachother" both of them say.

Mason and I stare at eachother. Just thinking about never seeing him again makes me sick to my stomach.
Hey guys this book is far from over but I am starting to think about my second book. I'm thinking about Ariana grande as the main character tell me what you think.
Love you guys.

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