Chapter five: I love you

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I wake up the next day in the same clothes. I walk out of my bed room and look around. The house is cold and it's still dark out side. I walk down stairs and there's not a light on expect the flickering kitchen stove light.

I open the door and the cold air wraps around me. This place is so peaceful but I need to figure out where I am. The ground is wet from morning dew. I walk out past the last house in the settlement. The forest was over grown and there was absolutely no signs. Everything was silent until I heard rustling leaves break the silence.

I think it's nothing and keep looking until I hear it again. I turn around just for reassurance that's it's nothing. Who would be out in the middle of nowhere. Stupid me.

I hear it again and decide I should just head back to my moms house. I turn around and start walking when I hear "Madison wait" and the leaves start to crunch more. I keep my head straight ahead just like Luca taught me, I'm not even scared cause after being kidnapped, finding out your family is in the mafia, and finding out your dead mother isn't dead being scared becomes an old thing.

"Madison" it says a little louder "wait!".
But I keep walking, whatever this thing is grabs me from behind and yanks me back. The shock of that sends me letting out a gasp. I fall back and when I look up its Luca.

Luca helps me out and I stand back up.

"Luca! You got here!" I almost shout before jumping in to his arms.

"I am princess. I told you I would be here" he says smiling and hugging me. I lead Luca to my moms house and when I walk in my mother is sitting in the kitchen with the lights off. I haven't talked to her since I screamed about the engagement.

I wanted to bring Luca straight upstairs but I want to introduce him. I didn't know how to cause I knew she would be mad. I basically have up her hiding place. I still didn't get why she chose to do this the week that I get told my father is in the mafia.

Luca who's still holding on to my hand stares down as I start to talk to my mother.

"Mom th-" I say

"Is Luca..." She cuts me off and stares at him with the evil eye.

I look back at Luca who's now staring at her with a scared look in his eye.

"The son of the stefonos" he keeps talking..

"Mom-" I try to but in but that back fires.


"I-" I try to say but she screams again.

"JUST GO IN YOUR ROOM" she points and screams.

Luca who's still holding on to me starts to walk before I do, when we make it upstairs I sits on the bed and Luca sits on the couch. A few minutes later I hear Hudson walk downstairs and she hear them mumbling.

I look over to Luca who's still trying to process what just happened.

"Luca" I say softly "can you come by me" I say looking down.

"Of course princess" he pauses a moment and then walks over to me.

I lay back and he wraps him arms around my waist. It's the best sleep I've got in a while. I close my eyes but am still awake. I hear Luca breathing and that's all. I'm finally in my happy place.

Luca breaks the silence "princess?" He says.

"Yea Luca" I say with my eyes still closed.

"No matter what happens today I want you to know..." He pauses and takes a breath.. "I love you".

I smile and turn around we lock eyes and he kisses me. I'm caught up in the moment when from down stairs I hear my mother and Hudson scream.

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