Chapter two: The Colas

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I walked down stairs in shorts and a crop top but according to my dad this was a gown occasion. So I went back upstairs and changed in to my red silk gown and came down stairs. My dad handed my keys to his Maserati and told me to leave the house and meet him at 6.

"Wait!" I ran to him before he walked out "how will I know where to go"

My dad turned around and looked my in my eyes with a deep dark look in his eyes and said "he will show you" and pointed to the back.

My dad then left and I locked the door scared shitless. I turned around and a tall man with dark hair and blue eyes walked out from the back.

"Hello" he said in a deep voice "my name is Luca and I'll be accompanying you tonight". Luca sure was hot and I couldn't help but get lost in his beautiful eyes. But it didn't mean I wasn't pissed that this was happening. I decided not to say anything to Luca and just simply wait.

By time 6 o'clock rolled around I found myself having a full on conversation with Luca. Everytime I asked Luca if he knew what was going on his answer was straightforward. "Yes" he would say and change the topic.

I picked the keys up and walked toward the door. Luca almost threw me out the way just as my hand reached for the door. "Don't princess!" He said. He pulled out a black gun and opened the door checking the soundings before giving me an ok to go. I walked out the house even more confused then before.

"Give me the keys princess" he said

"Don't call my princess and I'll drive!" I snapped back.

"Give me the keys!" He said sternly.

I paused debating weather or not to but I guess that was to long.. "Your father will be very angry if we are not there by 6:30" he said.

After a long pause I handed him the keys and proceeded to get in the car. "Thank you princess" he said after I got in and winked.

I rolled my eyes.
After thirty two minutes we arrived at a Mansion a little lot side of my town.

"Keep your head up and your mouth shut.. Don't say anything to anyone no matter what.." Luca said to me.

"Ok" I said before looking down and wishing I could just see grey.

Luca walked over to my door and opened it up for me. I stepped out and grabbed ahold of Lucas arm. We walked up to the front doors and I did just as he said. A man dressed in a grey suit and a wire attacked to his face asked for our names. Luca told him "Madison Cola daughter of Antonio Cola". When Luca said that the man raised an eyebrow. Luca proceeded to say "and Luca stefono son of Joseph stefono".

The man opened the door and we walked in. So many thoughts were running through my mind at that point. People were walking around the room with wine glasses and olives. Countless people offered me wine but Luca kept Turning them down. The room was huge with Tall ceilings and red velvet walls. People dressed in gowns and suits walked around the room and chatter filled the air. After about 40 minutes everyone was asked to take a seat. I went to sit at the end seat but Luca pulled me away and brought me to the third table where my dad was sitting in the middle of the table. I sat next to him and Luca sat next to me. The rest of the table were filled up with people apart of my family. A man and a women sat next to Luca who he told me were his parents.

Their were 4 tables and all have name cards on them mine said Cola. I didn't look at anyone jut Luca who was holding my hand. A older man walked to the middle the room and blew a horn. "This meeting is called to order" he said and my dad and 3 other guys stood up.

Each man was introduced as the leader of _____ whatever their last name was and it always included another family. For example my dads was Antonio leader of the Colas including the stefonos.

The meeting kept going on and on talking about nonsense so I zoned out until they said "Madison cola please stand". My heart started racing and Luca whispered you will be fine. I slowly stood and everyone turned and gasped.

"Yes I know.. Mr. Cola finally introduced us to his beautiful daughter" the man in the middle said "but let's not forget about the revival gang and there introduction of their son.." He said pausing for a moment before continuing "Mason Grande please rise" a boy across the room stood and he stared at me with a pale face.
That's the boy I sat next to in class today.

Madison Cola- Alexis Ren
Mason Grande- Jay Alvarrez
Gray Cola- Jacob sartorius
Antonio Cola (dad)- Brad Pit
Luca Stefono- Jack Gilinsky
(More characters to come).

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