Chapter eleven: heart of evil

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The next morning I wake up still in the hospital but with Mason next to me. The room is a mess and our clothes are everywhere. The nurse knocks on the door but neither of us are dressed. I jump out of bed and throw my under wear on with Jay's shirt.

I open the door and the nurse looks at me.

"Hello mrs.cola" she says trying to ignore the snoring coming from Mason "are you ready for your medication" she says walking in the room and looking at the clothes everywhere.

Shit I forgot to hide them. Good thing I have a private room and not a curtain separating me and other people.

She keeps staring at Mason who she obviously knows is naked under the blanket.

"I don't think now is a good time.. He is still sleeping.." I say embarrassed.

"Yea your right.." She says and exits.
A few hours later Mason wakes up.  I Check out. We head to my house and I change in to black tight pants and a white crop top I tie my Long blonde hair in to a pony tail and grab a gun.

I walk downstairs and find the keys to the sports car.

"Woah" Mason says.

"Come no time to waist" I say grabbing him and pulling him out the house.

"Madison do you know where we are going?" He asks.

"I have an idea" I say.
*3 hours later*
"Here take this gun" I hand him.

"Where are we" He asks.

"Lucas favorite pizza place" he says.

"Madison this isn't going to help" he says.

"Yea it will they have tunnels under it, we have to make it in the boys bathroom and go through the walls" I say dragging him in.

When I walk in the pizza place is deserted. Only the man that severed Luca and I is in there. I sit down with Mason and order a pizza. When he goes in the back to make it Mason and I sneak off. We go in the boys bathroom and I tap the password. The door slids open and I slip down with Mason.

We land smack down on the floor and I look up and see gray!

"GRAY" I shout and jump up to get him.

"Madison" he says scared shit less "don't get me" and his eyes shift to behind me.

I turn around and behold it's Luca. Mason rises from the spot where we fell.

"Not this bitch again" he says to no one in particular "didn't I already kill you" he says Rollin his eyes to Luca.

"Oh it's me your surprised about" He says chuckling.

"You my dear" he says grabbing me "should be worried about your father and you" he looks at Mason "should be careful for you have no family".

My heart sinks for Mason. Of course my mind goes straight to death but in the mafia every corner has a surprise. Luca opens his big fat mouth.

"Currently you father Mason is killing your dear girlfriends father" he says.

A lump forms in my throat and I feel a warm tear roll down my face. I look over to gray who is trying to hold back his tears. I close my eyes and try to remember back when my mother still was around.

I remember going to California every year and running through the water at the beach with my dad. He would pick me up and throw my in, laughing never stopped on those trips. My mother would then call us and we would build sandcastles. Since our skin was still wet the sand would stick to us and baby gray would just sit on the towel and stare at us.

Thinking about those moments make a smile form on my face. When I open my eyes I'm back to reality but the tears have started to dry. Gray is still in the corner and Mason and Luca are still fighting.

Luca still has ahold of me and his grip is tighten each second. I can't believe I was once in love with this man. I have zoned out the talking but Mason says something that catches my ear.

"Kill me not her" he said. Luca had now wrapped his arm fully around me and started to squeeze me. How dare he.

I decided I wasn't dealing with this and pulled me up. As soon as I Did that the room went silent.

"Let me Go" I screamed before realizing a gun as to my head. I wasn't scared. I was ready to die I was ready to get the brains exploded out of my brain but now without a fight.

"Bring it on dick" I said. I was shocked I had just said that. Mason pulled his gun at this point to. I looked over at gray who was still tied up. The crying had stopped I knew he was in complete shock.

"Put the gun down or I shoot her" said Luca to Mason.

"Put her down or I shoot you" Mason said to Luca.

"Make me ass" Luca said. I at this point was shaking.

"Well I'm not putting the gun down" Mason said.

"1.." Luca started counting.

"2.." And bam. I fell to the floor along with Luca. Blood covered my shirt. Mason had jaunt shot Luca. Luca screamed out in pain. Mason ran over and picked me up. She gave me a reassuring hug.

I ran over and untied gray.

"Run. Run as far as you can" I said hugging him. The tears started to run down his face again and I held back the urge to cry. I knew deep down this might be the last time I see my brother.

I grabbed the gun out of the dying Lucas hand.

And ran in the back room. I pressed my ear upagainst the door and couldn't hear a thing. Fuck I thought. Why don't I have a cup. Mason soon ran in after me.

"Let's break this shit down baby" he said smirking.
Wow long chapter. It's almost over but don't worry defiantly considering a second book. Madison has been through a lot will she be able to complete this journey. What happened to her dad? Is Luca dead? Did gray get away? Keep reading to find out. I am actually so sorry about the long wait, I have been writing my new book "the story of tyler". I finally made an update schedule and this book is to be updated two times a week!! A new kind of love (one of the chapters) I'm thinking about taking down. 

Until the next update, love ya!!

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