Chapter thirteen: 4 weeks later

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I woke up and brushed my teeth. Throw my hair in to a messy bun and got changed. I walked down stairs to gray and my father. The smell of coffee and pancakes filled my nostrils with delight.

"Goodmorning family" I said.

"Good morning Madison" they both said in sync.

I grabbed a pancake and headed out. Mason waited for me in his brand new Maserati.

"Good morning babe" I said kissing him.

"Beautiful as ever" he kisses back and chuckled.

I've accepted that this is my family and I always will. Gray now knows and Mason is officially apart of the cola mafia. My father still works late nights and I still heat up pancakes. Yup there are nights where I have to hold Someone to gun point while my father gets the money, but I've accepted it. I love my family and I always will. Cause you know what we all have our own deep dark little secrets.
Authors note:
Hey guys I've officially finished the book. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I've certainly connected with Madison and Mason. So On that happy note I've decided to write a second book in this series. But I have a little question. Obviously Madison and Mason have a story of their own yet to be written, but would you guys like to have a A prequel or sequel. And the prequel it will all be about the colas so about anthony cola and Angelina cola. In the sequel it will be about Madison and Mason and their journey together which of course will include their ups and downs of the cola mafia. No matter what I will write a sequel but I was just wondering if you guys would like the prequel first. 

However the next book in the series will not be the next book I write. I have two other books in mind, but I promise this book will be out before 2017. Thank you guys so much for reading and stay tuned for the next book in the series. I hope you guys come back and read my next book and my next book in the series. Please comment if you guys would like the prequel or the sequel.

Author. Xoxo

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