Chapter five: A Ring

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"M..mother" I say.. Taking a step back.." It can't be Its not possible she was killed!

"No this is fake" I say then scream it again. "STOP SEND ME HOME!" I say starting to cry.

"Honey" she stands and starts to walk towards me.
"No stay right where you are!" I scream with tears rolling down my face.

A normal child would be happy to see there mother that they haven't seen in years but the amount of stress I've had over the past week is enough.

"You sit down now.. NOW!" I scream still crying.

She sits down and looks disappoint. I still pressing my body against the door, sigh again. "Please explain to me why I and everyone else think your dead" I say lookin down as the tears start to come to an end.

"I well had a notice for my death put out and I went in to the witness protection program. And that's why we are here today" she says as if it's nothing.

"Why did you kidnap me? Why don't just come to house" I say

"Because no one can know your here. Ok?" She says

"Ok... Mom" I say.

"Now your only here for 2 more days then you have a flight home.. You can't know where I live that's why your blindfolded on the plane" she says getting up and walking towards me who is still on the door "excuse me" she says when I move out the door.

Hudson who I thought was knocked out is at the bottom step icing his busted lip. She walks in to a room that's blush pink with a vanity, makeup, a couch, a bed, and a tv. "This" she points "is your room" she says.

She proceeded to walk to the next room when my phone buzzed. I take it out and it's Luca again.

Are you ok?!? On my way princess.
Yea I'm fine you won't believe it! It's my mom!
Your mom? Isn't she..
Dead? Well yea.. She was I guess! Miss you but have to go!

When the tours done I walk to my bed room and text my father.

Hey dad I'm fine just at Lucas house.. Then tomorrow he's taking me to visit some old friends will be home in two days?
Madison this is not ok? You need to come home now! Two days!
Please they are the only friends I have!
two days that all!
When I walk down stairs my mom has the table set and a roasted chicken ready to eat. Hudson is already there and still after 3 hours of icing his lip looks horrible. I take a seat across from him.. "Sorry Hudson" I say looking up.

"It's ok.. You were scared" he said chuckling.

My mom sits and we all eat dinner. She tells me everything my father told me expect she tells me the part about her not dying. At the end of diner I clear the table and Hudson and My mom start talking. I wash the dishes and I hear Hudson and my mom giggling. It's so great so be with my mom but I miss gray and my dad more then anything. I keep washing the dishes when something sparkly catches my eye. It's a diamond ring and a big one.

I shut the water off and dry my hands before picking it up. I turn around and realize that Hudson and my mom are engaged.

My body stems with anger and I stomp over to the kitchen table. "WHATS THIS" i yell and slam the ring down on the table.

My mother smiles and reaches for hudsons hand clearly not getting the message I'm pissed.. "Well honey We are engaged"

"Oh.. Oh really cause technically your still married to my father! Who by the way thinks your dead! What are going to do marry another man have more kids then fake die again! Just to let you know my father kisses a picture of you every morning and every night!" I scream as I stomp away!

I run to my room and lock myself in. I sit on the bed and start crying. Everything from this last week has built up inside of me and I just want Luca! I want to go home, see Luca, eat my fathers pancakes, kiss gray goodnight, and wake up in my own bed! You never realize the little things you love until there taken away from you.

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