Chapter 3: The murders son

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Luca accompanied me home me when I got home he walked me up to the door.

"Princess are you ok you look pale" he said concerned

"I'm fine.. I guess" I said.

He pulled me close so my head was resting on his chest. I liked the feeling it was the first time I felt safe in a guys arms. I could hear his heart beating. It felt like a million years until he let go. I looked up at him and our eyes met. He started to lean in and I went to stand on my tippy toes. I felt my heel twist and bam I fell. I fell down the stairs.

"OMG" he ran towards me "Madison are you ok" he says picking me up. I still want the kiss but I know it's not going to happen. "I'll see you tmm ok princess?" He says and kisses my head. I walk in side and shut the door. The lights are off and I hear the Eco of the door shut. I walk up the stairs and open the door to grays room sitting on his bed running my fingers through his hair.

After about 5 minutes my dad walks in and hand motions me to walk out. When I go in the hall my dad is in sweat pants and a t shirt.. He looks like my dad again he sits on the stairs and I sit next to him.

"Honey what you saw tonight was something I've been hiding for a while" he says in a soft voice.

"Gray can't know?" I ask
"No" he says
I pause for a moment.. "Why?" I ask.
"Madison let me explain" he looks down and continues "I'm in the mafia.. In fact your now in the mafia. So is gray but he won't know until he's 17 like you. So was your mother.."
This information was a lot to process but I couldn't be surprised because of what happened tonight.

"The grandee were our lead family in the mafia before they turned on your mother.. They thought she was in contact with the stefonos, who at the time were not in agreement with us. They decided to kill your mother" he said.

Those words made me sink inside my body. My stomach hurt and I felt light headed. "They.. They killed my mother" the words hurt leaving my mouth.

"Yes sweetheart.."
"And I go to school with his son?" I said still looking down.
"Yes sweetheart"
"I go to school with the son of the who killed my mother" I said with anger filling my body.
"Honey you should go to sleep.. I will be home tmm" he said.

I stand up and walk in my room.
The next morning I wake up in the red gown and makeup from the night before. I get dressed and do my hair in a ponytail before exiting my room. As soon as I open my bedroom door the air is filled with the sweet smell of pancakes I can't help but smile.

I run down stairs and my dad is serving gray pancakes.

"Madison where were you last night" gray says.
"I was at with my friend Luca" I say smiling at gray  then looking up at my dad. My dad gives a slight nod of approval. I sit at the counter and eat my pancakes before a ring on the door bell.

"Madison you get that" my father says.
I walk to the door and it was Luca. "Well hello princess" he said and hugged me. I couldn't help but smile I mean he's Luca.

I took his hand and led him to the kitchen where my father had already set a plate with pancakes up for him.

"Wow Mr.Cola nice pancakes" he says.

"Please call me Antonio" he says smirking.

"But my father told me to never-" he said before my father slightly nodded his head towards gray who was lost in space downing his pancakes.

"Madison Luca is taking you and gray to school today ok" my father said.

"Ok dad" I said grabbing my bookbag and phone.

We weren't in the Maserati we were back in the jeep and dropped gray at his bustop. The car ride to school was silent. When we pulled up Luca kissed my head before I got out.
"See you later princess" he said. I smiled and shut the door.

At the end of the day I was at my locker getting my books to take home when my locker door slammed shut.

"Jeez dude what was that for" I said looking up to see mason.

"Sorry Beautiful was just trying to make an entrance." He replied.

"Oh sorry didn't mean to ruin it" I said rolling my eyes "don't kill me too ok" I said sarcastically. Wow I thought am I actually speaking like this to my mothers murders son.

"Oh your father gave you the talk to I see" he said.

"Yup only thing is my family didn't do anything wrong." I said grabbing my books and heading for the exit.

"It wasn't my choice ya know" he said following me.

"Leave me alone ok?" I said trying to focus on the exit ahead.

"Why are you acting so cold I'm trying to have a conversation" he said switching sides of me.

"I'm sorry did my father kill your mother?!" I said getting more annoyed but still focused straight ahead on the exit.

"Listen beautiful.." He said grabbing my arm and slightly pulling me back.

I jerked my arm away "I have a name its Madison.." I stop short and turn to face him "listen i want to let you know your really fuckin annoying and I don't like it.. Your family killed my mother and back where I'm fro it means we go some beef.." I pushed him away and left the school where Luca was waiting to pick me up.

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