Chapter four: kidnapping

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The next day at school I only see mason in the hallway but never speak a word to him. The day went by pretty fast. While I was at lunch a group of girls came up to me and asked if I want to hang out and go to school party tonight. So with all the stress I've have recently in my life I texted Luca.

Hey don't pick me after school I'm going to a party.
You sure?
Yup I'll text you when the parties over.
Will mr.cola be ok with it?
He won't know.. So don't tell him. Brb gotta go.
After school I packed my bag and went to the front of the school where I did homework.. Mostly cause I have no friends and 3 hours to kill before the party.

I was in the middle of a hard math problem when a black cloth was wrapped around my face pulling me back. My back slammed against the pavement. I was so scared but couldn't do anything. I felt them dragging me and I got thrown in to a car. The door slammed shut and the car started. I felt my arm being injected with something and out I went.
I woke up and a few hours later because my butt was buzzing. I was texting text messages that I couldn't open because I was still tied up. I frantically moved my head back and forth until the cloth fell and I realized I was on a plane. Looking around I saw a sharp pole and I scooted over to it and tried cutting the tape on my hands. It took a few try's but I got it I even cut my wrist.. And it was a deep cut I probably needed switches. But that wasn't the problem at the moment.

I grabbed my phone and realized it was all from Luca..
Where are you?
You didn't come home last night?
Two nights in a row?
Please princess where are you!
Mr. Cola thinks your at your friends
Princess I'm worried!

I started to type back with my hands shaking.

Help! I'm in a plane.. Off to I don't know where.
But he wasn't responding. I had to think and think fast. I shared my location with him but it would only share for 24 hours.
A few hours later a man walking in and took me out. Not even asking how I was free he escorted me out the plane. We were on a tropical island.
"Don't worry Madison your safe now" he said.
"Safe now? I was safe before!"
"Madison your SAFER now" he said.

He took me to this little outhouse built out of wood and handed me a bag. "Change in to these" he said.. "Who would wear should a profound out to school".

I took the bag "hey who are you to judge you just kidnapped me." I snapped back shutting the door.

It was like knowing my father was in the mafia I got stronger I felt stronger.. If this happened a week ago I would not be speaking the way I am now.

I walked out and was in shorts and a tank top. He handed me flip flops and we proceed to walk. "Listen it's hot and I need to get home. My dad and little brother miss me!" I said.

"I know someone else who misses you" he said under his breath.

After about 2 hours of walked me make it to this little area with about 7 houses not big but average size. There's a helicopter pad and a place where kids are playing its in the middle of nowhere and that makes me concerned.

We walk to the farthest house in the back and he opens the door. I house is warm and smells like cookies.." I look around for any sign of where I am. My phone buzzes and it's Luca. I decide to ignore it since I'm investigating.. Stupid move on my part.

I keep looking around for any sign of where I am but I find nada. The man from before walks in.

"I'm ready for you now" he says

"No.. I'm not going with you creep" I say
"Madison call me Hudson please" he said "now we could do this the easy way or-"
"Hard way!" I shout out and back in the wall.
"It's up to you maddie" he said
"Hudson dear call me Madison" I say before kicking him and making a run for it.

I run for the front door but it's locked and no matter how hard I try to unlock it I can't. I run upstairs and look around. I can hear Hudson calling my name and trying to find me.

I run to the door all the way at the end of the hallway and it's dark inside. I lock the door and press my back against the door and let out a sigh of relief with my eyes closed.

I turn on the light switch and see only one chair in a big empty wrong. I got to approach it but it turns.. "Hello my dear Madison".

It's my mother..

Madison- Alexis Ren
Mason- Jay Alvarrez
Gray- Jacob sartorius
Antonio (dad)- Brad Pit
Hudson- George clooney
Angelina (mom)- Jennifer Aniston
Luca- jack Gilinsky
(More characters to come).

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