Chapter ten: a bright light

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I wake up to a bright white light. Oh shit I'm dead. My vision starts to clear and I realize I'm in a hospital. I've always been terrified of hospitals. They are the creepiest thing. A nurse walks in.

"Oh look who's awake" she says while preparing a needle. What the hell is that.

"Where is my family" I demand to know. I remember nothing.

"Honey we will worry about that later first let's take your medication" she says smiling and holding up the needle.

"No, actually I want to see my family first" I say starting to unhook myself from the medical equipment.

"Madison dear stop" she says rushing over to me. I push her off and get up I back up against the hospital window.

"Leave" I say. But she doesn't listen "LEAVE" I shout louder. The nurse pulls me and guides me in to bed. What is this bitch doing! I try to wiggle my way out but it doesn't work. She injects something in to me and my hearing gets like a tunnel. My vision starts to get blurry but I fight back the urge to pass out. I watch the nurse leave.

I keep fighting back the urge to pass out. I stand up wobbly. But I make my way out to the hallway. I walk down and look for any signs of my family or Mason. The hallway starts spinning but I try to focus myself. Stop Madison! Focus! One foot in front of another, one foot in front of another.

When I realize I can't walk anymore I start shouting.

"MASON, DAD, GRAY" people rush over to me and grab me. Why are they doing that! I continue to scream for them. Some say shh some say it's ok. But I fight them back. Then I see Mason talking to a doctor down the hall. Mason I fight to scream out but it comes out as a whisper.

Mason turns his head and sees me. He runs towards me but I don't know if I can fight back this feeling long enough to see him. When he makes it he fights through the nurses surrounding me and I fall in to his arms. In that moment I pass out like the medication wanted me to.
When I wake up again it's dark outside and mason is passed out on the chair next to me. I hear the crickets chirping and wonder what's going on with my father and gray.

Mason batters his eyes open and smiles at me.

"Hello beautiful" he says sitting up.

"Hello handsome" I say. "What's going on? Where's my father" I ask.

"Well.." He says looking down. "When that happened I knocked Luca out. And freed the principle. I ran to assist you who was blacked out and the principle called the police. Luca awoke and locked us in the room. His father came and held you in the corner and knocked you out again. He tried to fight me and then brought in your father and brother. When the police kicked down the doors they took you, who they thought were dead. But.." He said and looked down.

"What" I said getting panicked.

"Madison, they don't want me to tell you" he said still looking down.

"Mason! You have to tell me!" What is it!" I said still panicking.

"They took your father and brother and.." He paused.

All color left my face.. "And..what" I said.

"We don't know if they are dead or alive" he said.

"Well there's one thing to do.." I said "get them back" I said starting to unhook myself.

"My father is now trying to find your dad" he says.

"Wait your father?! Is trying to find my dad! I thought they hated eachother" I said in complete shock.

"Well my father said he hates Lucas family more so anything to get them killed will help. So my father is recusing you dad and brother and going to propose to your father that they kill Luca and his family" he said.

He walked over to me and sat down next to me "you my dear need to rest" he said.

I sat up "no I need to find them" I said.

He pulled me close and started kissing me before climbing in bed with me.

"Ok.." He said talking a pause to kiss my some more "but we can find them tomorrow" he said smirking and kissing me more.

Authors note:
Wow two updates in one day!! My next book is called the story of Tyler. Here's the description:

    My life was fun and games. Hanging out with my best friend Sarah, having a flirtation ship with my ex Keith and being adored my the whole school. I hated being popular but it had its perks. No drama had ever went down in my life all until I met Tyler.

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