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7 ; hot, wet, & under the sun

"Ciao, Robert."

"Good morning, Saoirse." Robert smiled as she entered his house, more excited for the day than ever. "Are you sure you don't need the day off? What, with it being your last day of summer and everything?"

"No, I'm okay." Saoirse smiled and took Nova into her arms. "You, on the other hand, should take a day off."

"Well, I'm one step ahead of you. Sort of," Robert grinned. "I called in sick this morning and said I would return to the office this afternoon if I felt better."

Saoirse's eyes widened, but she responded with her regular voice; cool and calm. "Clever. Do you have a date to go to, or something?"

Robert shook his head. "No...I just figured that I'd stay here and spend the day with you two."

Saoirse's eyes widened. "Really?"

Robert rose his eyebrows. "Is that surprising?"

"No, sorry. It makes complete sense..." Her voice drifted off. "Anyways, since it's so hot, I was going to ask you if Nova is allowed to swim."

"Yes, of course." Robert's grin widened. "Were you planning on swimming in the backyard?"

"Uh-huh. Would that be safe? Does Nova have some kind of floating device?"

Robert bit his lip. "Yeah, I think so. I'll check later—when were you planning on going swimming?"

Saoirse swayed Nova in her arms. "Either before lunch, or a few hours after. I think late afternoon may be too hot, though."

Robert nodded. " before."

Saoirse nodded. "But lunch is usually early, around 11:30."

Robert's eyes widened. He usually didn't eat lunch until around three in the afternoon, and that was if the day was going well—to hear that his daughter ate lunch before noon was shocking. Saoirse's eyes widened as well. "Is that too early?"

"No, it's fine! You're the boss here, you know what's best." Robert held his hands up.

Saoirse offered a coy smile. "Well, you're welcome to join us." Her mind lit up at the thought of Robert, shirtless and clad in nothing but swim trunks—but then dimmed back down at the realization that he would see her in her in a bikini. Though her body was nice—slim, toned in the stomach, thighs, and butt—it wasn't supermodel perfect like the women Robert probably liked, and a girl of her age couldn't quite realize that was okay.

Robert seemed to have his own concerns, but for the completely different reasons. Saoirse had, undoubtedly, an aphrodisiac-like affect on the Pole—a combination of her nearly naked along with him in thin bottoms seemed like a dangerous one. But still, he didnt want her to think the wrong thing by turning the offer down, so he nodded with a smile. "I would love to."

Time flew. Robert, Nova, and Saoirse played with a few dolls until around ten; then engaged themselves in a game of a very calmed version of football until around 10:30. By then, it was already scorching; Saoirse ached to go for a swim.

"Okay, I'm going to go change—and you watch Nova. Then I'll come get her, and you can change while I get her ready. Okay?"

Robert nodded, knowing that regardless Saoirse probably knew what she was doing. The seventeen year old went next door and changed into her bikini before throwing her thin dress back over it and making her way back to Robert's house, where he and Nova were still kicking the ball around in the backyard.

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