twenty four

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24; off to the races

Saoirse didn't realize it until Robert had to go back to work, but he was, in everyone else's eyes, a rather ruthless man—he fired employees without batting an eye and spoke his mind easily, often having negative or insulting opinions.

So when Kelsey, whose father turned out to be one of the few employees still lucky to work under the reign of Robert Lewandowski, figured out that Saoirse and Robert had been together for quite some time now, she was surprised—but not for the reason Saoirse thought she'd be.

"Okay," Kelsey stated, "How could you love that man? Didn't he have an affair with his secretary and kill her once people started finding out?"

Mari scoffed, "Murderer or not, he's still the hottest man I've ever seen. I support you, Saoirse."

"I'm not saying I wouldn't fuck his brains out," Kelsey held her hands up. "I'm just saying, he's kind of got anger management issues."

"No he doesn't." Saoirse blurted, stabbing her salad. "I think he's sweet. And he didn't kill anyone. That's just a rumor. That woman, she committed suicide. If people took the time to get to know him, they'd see what a good man he is."

"Of course he's good to you, Saoirse. I bet you fuck him every night like there's no tomorrow." Kelsey rose her eyebrows.

Saoirse leant back on her chair and shamelessly crossed her arms. "Wouldn't you?"

"Touché. I would." Kelsey grinned. "But I think I'd be too afraid of him to try and start a relationship. How'd you guys even hook up? Was it at the bar that one time? You and him did coincidentally disappear."

Saoirse shook her head a little. "It was at his house. We put his daughter to sleep, then we went for a swim. I don't really know how he ended up holding me so close, but it was like the next thing I know, we're making out on his couch." She took a sip of her water. "Anyways, there's a reason I'm telling you all this—it's because I'm afraid we won't be seeing each other again for a long time. Not here at school, anyways."

Kelsey gasped, "Are you moving away?"

"No." Saoirse responded, blinking. "Well, maybe...if my father doesn't kill me after I tell him what I'm about to tell you guys. I'm pregnant." She stated, nonchalantly.

"Really!" Mari's mouth fell open. "Oh, what are you going to do?"

"I don't know. Robert's being extremely laissez-faire about it, so much that it practically kills me. He seems to believe everything will be fine."

"Your life is like a movie." Kelsey spoke, finally. "The reason he's so calm about it is probably because he doesn't want to stress you out more than necessary."

"Perhaps." Saoirse agreed, with a sigh. "In any event, things have just gotten to be so overwhelming. School and all just adds unnecessary stress. Robert thinks it's a good idea for me to consider being homeschooled until I have the baby."

Mari placed her head on her hands. "This is crazy, Saoirse..." Her voice drifted off. "You know that we're here for you. If you need anything, you can always come to us."

Kelsey nodded. "Yeah," she agreed, "Anything." Then she smiled and squealed. "Okay, group hug!" She squeezed Mari and Saoirse, both groaning, into a hug before pulling away. "I bet you'll be such an amazing mother, Saoirse. And I can't even begin to wonder how beautiful your baby will be..."

The rest of lunch on Saoirse's unofficial last day of school was filled with her eighteen year old friends talking about various subjects, but mainly interrogating the seventeen year old on her relationship with Robert. Saoirse knew that after trusting Kati with the relationship and having the German—who had disappeared, along with Thomas—turn on her, telling Mari and Kelsey probably wasn't a good idea.

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