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18; when you feel your heart beat
a/n: very smutty you've been warned

Saoirse didn't really know what to do. She didn't want to feel so pissed off with Robert for making what was probably a just decision, but she was—as a hormonal and impatient teenager, his decision had bothered her.

So, on Friday during school (after three days of not communicating with Robert at all) she ate lunch with Kelsey and Mari and explained the entire predicament—of course without mentioning that it was Robert Lewandowski she was dealing with.

"So, what should I do?" She inquired, biting into her sandwich.

Kelsey sighed. "I didn't know the relationship was that serious, honestly. I mean, if he's chickening out of sex, it could only mean like, two things—he's small, or he's afraid. If he didn't want you, he would've ended it a while ago."

Saoirse blinked. "Well it's not the first option, and I know that for sure. But why would he be afraid of me?" Maybe because you hit a girl with a car, her subconscious screamed.

"I wonder. I mean, look at you. You're such an adorable angel. A complete rose!" Mari tilted her head back and laughed. "If his excuse was the fact that the condom was expired, it's not like that's invalid. I mean, my parents were in the same situation—don't ask me how I know—and here I am, right?"

Saoirse blinked. "Okay, but still. That's rare."

Kelsey shrugged. "Buy a new box of condoms, then. Problem solved."

Once Saoirse realized that, theoretically, Kelsey was correct, she rushed to the convenience store the moment school ended—and purchased nearly the first box of condoms that she saw. As a girl with little to practically no sexual education, she knew not that so many factors came into play; such as the size and type and level of protection—all of this she ignored as she tossed the box into her backpack and then carelessly made her way to the Allianz skyscraper, throwing a wave Kati's way as she entered.

As we knew well by now, a mad Saoirse was a dangerous Saoirse—and as she entered the elevator, Anna following suit, she listened with annoyance as Kati's older sister spoke. "You know, you look like a sweet little girl—but you'd be a dumb one, too, to think that you and Robert are going to last."

Saoirse twirled her French braid. "Oh, because you two certainly did, right? What, with you cheating on your husband and all."

Anna's eyes widened. "Excuse me?"

"Oh, you're excused." Saoirse turned to face the elevator doors. "But since we have this time together, I'd like to ask you some things. I'm going to go and visit Robert, and I'd really like a few tips from you. Presumably, you two have done plenty of things in that office—so I want to know, is the desk comfortable, or did you prefer the chair?"

Anna's face burned red. "You're the devil's spawn, you know that?"

Saoirse sucked some air between her teeth. "Ouch."

"You know what?" Anna leant against the silver wall. "I was just like you when I was your age. Which is why I know, Saoirse, that one day you'll end up like me—nearly thirty years old, realizing that you lived the good part of your life way too fast and early in an attempt to grow up quicker than you should've been."

"And then you'll land a job you love, and your handsome boss will insist upon you keeping him company during all of the late nights when it's just you and him. His hand will accidentally touch your thigh, and something will begin between you two—the only thing that keeps you from wanting to jump off a cliff when you wake up every morning next to a mediocre-looking man who plays board games for fun—because, trust me, that's the only type of man who who'll settle for a woman that isn't fresh or untouched." Anna paused. They were on the twentieth floor now.

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