twenty five

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25 ; settling down
"it was a fast lifestyle,
but no one helped her to steer."


Dear Mari & Kelsey,

It is in this moment in which I write to the both of you in complete contentment. Kelsey, I only knew your address, so please do share this with Mari once you get it—I know how forgetful you are.

After a week or so of debating, Robert and I have relocated to Dortmund, where Allianz has another building. It's not as grandiose as the one in Munich, though—so, for this reason, Robert has already began construction on what he plans to make the company's new headquarters.

The house we live in is smaller than Robert's back in Munich, but still large—there are five bedrooms and three bathrooms, along with a large back and front yard and a swimming pool in the back one. Our next door neighbor is a German footballer named Mario whom Robert is close to, and he visits often with his girlfriend, Ann-Kathrin. (They're so supportive of Robert and I being together that it's almost peculiar).

In any event, I'm just three months pregnant—you couldn't tell by looking at me, especially because I wear such loose clothing. I'm happier than I ever have been, and if you aren't already, I hope that the two of you get to love or be loved in this sense. You both deserve it—everyone does. If everyone was loved in the way I suppose Robert and I love one another, the world would be such a good place.

Over just the past few months I have learned to love deeply, and to laugh loudly. I cry, of course, as often as I need to. I'm strongly opinionated, but I'm still open minded. I question everything and try to see everything as a gray area, because rarely in life are things black or white. I even smile at strangers. I'm easily excited. I listen to Robert when he's complaining about his day or talking about the things he loves. I want to experience life as honestly and openly as I can, and I encourage you both to do the same, because there is so much beauty in the world.

Alas, that's all I have to say. I miss you both and hope you can visit very soon!

With love,

"There." Saoirse spoke to herself, once she was done writing her letter and checking for spelling mistakes a million times. She threw it in the envelope, sealed it, and set it on the nightstand; listening as Robert moved besides her in the bed. It couldn't have been later than six-thirty in the morning, so Saoirse felt a little guilty—Robert had been up working until two, and she knew he could use every minute of sleep he could grasp.

"Hm?" He mumbled, rolling to face her. "Did you say something?" He spoke, his morning voice gravelly and, in Saoirse's opinion, seductive.

"No." She spoke, softly. "Go back to sleep."

Robert did the exact opposite, forcing a tired eye open. "You were talking."

"To myself." She responded, moving so that her face was across from his. "I didn't mean to wake you."

"I wake up at this time every day, anyways." Robert spoke, stretching slightly. "My question is, why are you up?"

Saoirse closed her eyes. "The baby was kicking all night. I couldn't sleep."

Robert cracked a smile. "Poor thing." He spoke, still half-asleep as his fingers moved to graze Saoirse's cheek.

Saoirse caught his hand in hers and placed it on her stomach, speaking quietly. "Wait for it."

"For wha—Oh!" Robert's eyes shot open and an even larger smile found his lips as he felt his second child, unborn, kick beneath the surface of Saoirse's stomach. An inexplicable laughter found his lips, the unplanned kind that escaped your mouth when you were too happy or pleased to find the correct words, and it didn't stop until Robert's eyes were slightly watering.

"Oh, nein." Saoirse gasped. "Are you crying?"

"No." Robert responded, quickly. "My eyes are just watering, that's all."

Saoirse's big blue eyes shone as she spoke, amused. "You're crying!"

"Oh, hush." Robert sat up, the sheets falling down to his waist and revealing his chiseled upper body. "If I was crying, I would have no issue admitting it."

"Right." Saoirse responded, with a small eye roll, as the Pole kissed her forehead. They ended up spending much longer laying in the bed and doing absolutely nothing than planned, and before he knew it, Robert found himself cursing—it was eight-thirty, and he always had to be in his office by nine sharp.

As he rushed to the shower, Saoirse went and greeted Nova, who she knew was awake because the one year old was loudly playing with her toys in her bedroom just across the hall.

When Robert got out of his quick shower, he was pleased to see that Saoirse had already chosen him a suit to wear for the day. "This suit's my favorite on you." She claimed, as she watched him put on his cuff links. She flung the red tie she'd gifted him on Christmas around his neck before moving in front of him, forced to stand on her tip toes in order to tie a Windsor knot with her one free hand—it was a skill she was proud of—and then listened to Robert respond.


"Yeah. Does anyone ever compliment you on this tie? You know, approach you and say oh my goodness, Mr. Lewandowski, you have an impeccable taste in ties?"

Robert smiled. "Just about every person that I encounter on a day to day basis."

Saoirse tightened the knot around Robert's neck and smiled up at him before she went and grabbed the jacket to his suit, knowing that he was fully capable of putting the jacket on himself. However, Saoirse enjoyed the sensation of actually feeling useful to him by helping him with little things like this, and knowing that, Robert found it adorable.

"Thank you." He whispered, quietly, as Saoirse adjusted his jacket slightly around the shoulders.

Saoirse patted his chest, finally able to fall back onto the balls of her feet and tighten her grip on a clueless Nova. "Sorry I couldn't make something for you to eat."

"You didn't have to." Robert responded, grabbing his briefcase and rushing down the stairs. "I don't want you to think you're some kind of stereotypical stay at home wife, Saoirse. You're much more than that." Saoirse tilted her head to the side as the two stopped in the kitchen, where Nova grabbed a banana and handed it to her father. Robert smiled, took the banana, and held it firmly; with every intention to eat the fruit.

"Alright," He finally spoke, as the three made their way to the doorframe. "I'll see you both soon." He kissed Saoirse's forehead, then Nova's, and grazed his fingers over Saoirse's stomach.

Nova lay her head on Saoirse's shoulder. "Bye bye," She spoke, without directly addressing Robert.

Saoirse tilted her head to the side. "See you later, alligator."

Robert chortled with laughter at Saoirse's immature farewell and made his way to his car, so perfectly content that he was whistling and swinging the keys in a circle around his pointer finger—there was even a small skip in his step.

Saoirse turned and reentered the house, feeling virtually the same. The best part of her happiness had to have been the fact that, really, nothing special had occurred. Robert had woken up, and she helped him get dressed for work, knowing that she would loathe his absence throughout the day.

But, she thought, if this is not love—simple urges to kiss someone's lips, or to be held in someone's arms, or even a day without them feeling like an eternity—then what is?

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