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10 ; seventeen again
a/n: somewhat smutty?! read @ your own discretion i guess

After Saoirse exited Roberts office, Thomas entered it—the two nearly ran into each other when they crossed paths, leaving the photographer to raise his eyebrows. "That couldn't possibly be the elevator girl, could it?"

Robert handed his closest friend an eye roll. "I don't know what you're talking about, Thomas."

"If not the girl you were cuddling with in that elevator, then who was she—and why was she in your office with the door closed?"

Robert rose his eyebrows. "My door is always closed, Thomas."

"Don't ignore my question."

"That's Saoirse." Robert spoke, calmly. "She's the sitter."

"And of all the babysitters in Munich, you just had to choose a beautiful young woman, didn't you? Come on, Robert. I've known you for years—you're not fooling anyone."

"I chose her because it was convenient," Robert stated. "She's my next door neighbor."

"What are her parents, then? Multi-millionaires?"

"Yes." Robert responded, bluntly. "I just learned it today, but her father is the CEO of our rival company." Upon finding out, Robert was surprised; but it wasn't like he was going to tell Saoirse. Hell, he didn't even think Saoirse knew what her father did for a living—because he was never home to tell her. The only reason he'd figured it out was because they had the same last name—Mihajlović—and the same unique accent.

Thomas held up a finger, unwilling to admit defeat. "Then it all makes perfect sense. Sleeping with the enemy's beautiful daughter to get to the enemy."

Robert swallowed. No, he would never do such a thing, and he'd liked Saoirse far before he was made aware of who her father was—but Thomas did have a point. "She's only seventeen, Thomas. I would never do that to her."

"Ah, so you are sleeping with her."

"No, I am not." Robert rolled his eyes. "She came here to discuss the dates in which I would need her to watch Nova for me. Seeing as she has school and all."

Thomas sat down in the chair across from Robert's desk. "Fine, I believe you. Only because I know you're stupid enough to have an affair with a married woman, but not to involve yourself with a girl ten years younger than you. Speaking of Anna—"

"It's over." Robert stated, focused on his computer screen. He offered no further explanation.

Thomas clapped. "This calls for a celebration, then. What do you say we go out for drinks?"

Robert sighed, "Fine, but I can't stay out too late—I want to make it home in time to tuck Nova in and read her a story."

Thomas groaned. "You were so much more fun when you weren't a father. Which is saying something, because you've actually never really been fun."

"Well, the one time I was fun, I got a woman pregnant. So, I don't think I'll be going back down that road again." Robert stood up and grabbed his jacket. "Let's get moving—if we leave now, I can get home by eight."

Saoirse, on the other hand, found herself running into a few of her more consistent friends from school who were part of the more affluent and popular crowd as she walked to the bus stop. She herself clearly wasn't popular, but she had the potential to be—she was pretty and rich, the two main factors at her school. The girls were all dressed out of uniform, scantily clad in flirtatious outfits; they all waved Saoirse over upon seeing her.

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