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15 ; party favors
a/n: i do think the gif makes what's waiting in this chapter obvious lol


Hours later, the party was still going strong. Saoirse had taken Nova back to her  house, because despite the fact that it was her big day, she still had a bedtime—and as the sun set, the amount of children at Robert's mansion grew smaller, while the amount of adults only got larger.

Roisin had volunteered to watch Nova, but only after an entire our of witnessing her daughter longingly stare out the window and over at Robert's house. So that landed Saoirse back at the party, still clad in the same dress as she stood next to Kati, a drink that she hadn't touched in her hand.

"I did everything I could to get rid of my sister, Saoirse—so I'm sorry that she's still here." Kati spoke, motioning to Anna. The German had used the stain on her dress as the perfect excuse to wear Robert's jacket, and now she was acting tipsy; putting her hands all over him.

"It's fine. I mean, it's not like—"

"Well, if it isn't Saoirse." Mats interrupted the seventeen year old, a smile on his lips as he deliberately placed his hand on her shoulder. "You know, you never did come find me after our talk the other day."

Saoirse sighed. "Oops—my bad."

Mats mistook her sarcasm for humor and laughed loudly, grasping Robert's attention as he glanced over at his intern. Saoirse was smiling, too—out of amusement—and Robert couldn't help but feel jealousy pit at the bottom of his stomach. She could do what she wanted with her high school boys, sure, but Mats had no good intentions and Robert knew that.

Managing to break away from Anna, he made his way to Saoirse and Mats before speaking. "Mats, nothing on this planet could be as funny as your laugh is making it seem. How drunk are you?"

"Drunk? I've had two drinks, I'm not drunk." Mats rose his eyebrows as he spoke, his words slurred. Saoirse rose her own eyebrows before gazing over at Robert, who clearly regretted inviting the younger man to his house—Mats had hit on many people throughout the night, and he didn't want his girl to become one of them.

Still, the two made brief but intense eye contact before Mats followed Saoirse's gaze—and by then, Robert had managed to walk off, and the eye contact that he and Saoirse had made was enough for her to know he wanted to be followed.

Saoirse gazed up at Mats. "I have to use the bathroom, Mats. Maybe we can talk later."

Mats watched Saoirse rush off before looking down at Kati, who knew exactly what the seventeen year old was doing. Still, she sighed and shook her head, knowing that she was going to have to take one for the team—and distract Mats by striking conversation with him.

Saoirse gasped as Robert's hand got ahold of her wrist and pulled her into a guest bedroom before slamming the door shut and locking it, his mouth almost instantly attaching hers. Of course, Saoirse kissed him back—but soon realized that Robert was more eager than he'd ever really been with her, and possibly because she'd been speaking with Mats.

He pulled away from the fervent kiss and whispered on her lips, eagerly. "I shouldn't be doing this, Saoirse, not here. But I need you. And as good as your dress looks on you, I need you to take it off."

Saoirse gasped lightly as Robert easily lifted her up before he lay her on the bed underneath him, placing her hands on his chest. "Robert, people will notice that we're gone. Or that you're gone, at least."

Robert shook his head. "I don't care," he whispered, tugging at the hem of Saoirse's dress. She stood back up, leaving Robert to stare at her from where he sat in the bed. For a moment, she contemplated staying safe and leaving, but her hormonal side got the best of her as she slowly unzipped the dress and closed her eyes as it fell to the floor, listening to Robert as he let out a soft moan similar to that of having seen or smelled a delicious meal.

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