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8 ; kiss, but don't tell

"As expected, I won." Robert was grinning as he entered the pool, poking his tongue out at a pouty Saoirse.

"Oh, whatever." Saoirse rolled her eyes. "You know, I've never been the athletic type."

Robert shrugged, "I couldn't tell."

"Well," Saoirse smiled like a kid. "What do you want from me?"

Robert floated on his back as he thought. Saoirse stared at him in amazement, wondering how he could make it look so easy. She could swim, yes—but barely.

"Hmm," Robert came back to facing her. "Come with me to the deep end."

Saoirse groaned out loud, knitting her eyebrows and everything. "Robert, I can't do that!"

"Sure you can. And if you go under, it's not like I'd just sit here and let you drown. Plus, it's cooler down there."

Saoirse sighed. "Fine," she spoke, before slowly wading her way to the deep end of the pool. Again, Robert beat her there; he sarcastically cheered her on as she timidly swam.

"Take as much time as you need, Saoirse. I believe in you..."

"Shut up, Robert." Saoirse groaned. As she neared the businessman and eventually got arms length away from his body, she stopped swimming; Robert applauded her as she rolled her eyes.

The moment she stopped wading and felt herself sinking under the water, however, she dramatically screamed out loud. Robert to grabbed her waist and pulled her back up—only out of shock and sudden fear. Saoirse let out a breath and fell against his chest, speaking. "Oh my god, Robert, I almost drowned!"

Robert rolled his eyes. "You were nowhere close to drowning, Saoirse."

Saoirse closed her eyes. Robert's hands were still on her waist, and the side of her face was still resting on the area just beneath his left shoulder—if she tried hard enough, she could hear his heart pounding at the speed of light. Saoirse herself had butterflies in her stomach; her heart felt like it was going to burst.

She decided that it was now or never. Robert would never make the first move on a girl like her, especially because it was risky and possibly even illegal. But what could she do? Grab his face and kiss him? Confess the undeniable crush she had which he, by now, may have been oblivious to not notice?

No, she concluded; she could do neither. But judging by the fact that Robert's chest was pounding against hers and his hands were still on her waist, maybe he wouldn't reject her.

Robert tilted his head back to gaze up at the sky. His eyes were closed, of course, for two reasons—the first being that he didn't want to get blinded by the sun, and the second being that he was praying to for forgiveness—as he was contemplating committing an unspeakable act, and probably already was by having his hands on Saoirse's body like this.

As he gazed upwards, Saoirse deliberately seized a chance to do something while she saw it. She opened her eyes and stared at the skin of his neck before placing her lips on it, leaving Robert to widen his eyes. Her lips were so soft against his skin that he almost disregarded them as a summer breeze—however as Saoirse parted them, he felt her warm breath.

It drove him crazy. This was evident in the low sound Robert let out—something in between a groan and a breath—which Saoirse deemed to be a sound of pleasure, so she kept going. Before she realized it, she'd given Robert two hickeys without speaking one word to him. 

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