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19 ; mr. born to lose

As Saoirse was now sexually active, she had decided that in the event of what happened her first time with Robert—using no protection—happened again, she should be on birth control; just in case.

The only issue with this was that she needed her parents consent to be on the pill, and as practicing Catholics, there was no way Aleksander or Roisin would be agreeing to let Saoirse do so—in fact, if they had any remote idea that Saoirse was having sex they'd freak out.

So, she went to the doctor with Kelsey; then got her German friend—who was peculiarly good at forging signatures, probably from years of practice—to copy Roisin's, telling her doctor that her mother had broken her ankle and couldn't afford to walk to the office, so she would just bring the form out to the waiting room. Once that was done, Saoirse and her friend parted ways—Saoirse cheerfully headed to Robert's office, prepared to do what they'd done about a week or so ago, and Kelsey to God knew where.

Saoirse noted that this day was rather gloomy, in a peculiar sense. The sky was crying as it looked down upon Munich, casting it's tears onto the city in the form of a torrential downpour; and as if the day wasn't miserable enough, Saoirse was shocked to see what seemed like millions of news crews and police officers as well as ambulances and even one fire truck outside of the building. Something had happened, she realized—and something terrible.

As she rushed into the building, having to sneak in due to it being closed to the public, she realized that the atmosphere of the lobby wasn't quite right either—it was empty and, in a sense, dark and depressing.

Because the front desk was closed, Saoirse went straight to the elevator. A young woman, who looked to be an employee, joined Saoirse on the fifteenth floor—and sighed before speaking. "Did you hear about what happened?"

"No, but I was wondering." Saoirse responded, her eyes wide.

"You really haven't heard?" Her eyes widened.

"No, I—" Saoirse paused as the elevator buzzed.

"This is my floor," The woman said, before getting off. Letting out an annoyed breath, Saoirse impatiently rode her way up the next ten floors—a ride which felt like an eternity.

There were a few police officers around Robert's office, immediately causing Saoirse to grow panicked and frightened. This could be the end of everything, she dramatically realized, and instantly hid from the officers as she listened to Robert discuss with them in murmurs. Once they finally left, Saoirse came out from hiding, and listened to Robert curse loudly as he slammed his office door shut.

Slowly, she opened it. Robert was at his window, looking out onto the ground, his hands in his pocket. Saoirse spoke. "Robert?"

"Saoirse," He responded, "How did you get in here?"

"I had to hide. W-why is your window open? It's freezing."

Robert turned around. "Sit down, Saoirse."

Previously, she had liked it when the Pole was mad. It aroused her, it turned her on; whatever you would say. But right now, she was nothing but frightened, and she followed his command without hesitation. "Robert, what's going on?"

He sat in the chair. "It's Anna...she took your little piece of advice quite literally."

Saoirse didn't even blink. "What did she—"

"She jumped." Robert interjected, his face plain. It wasn't a careless type of plain, but rather the numb kind; the kind you felt when you'd done everything you could to expel your feelings and this was the result. Indeed, Saoirse could see that Robert had been quite angry; a hole or two was in the wall, and his office was a mess from having shoved and thrown things around.

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