twenty seven

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27 ; lovefool

"the world is full of fools who never get it right."


"What do you want to do for your birthday?" Robert inquired, that same night, over dinner.

Saoirse, who'd been messing with her split ends, shyly glanced at the Pole. Going out had been a great idea, sure, but her face would get unusually hot whenever she stared at him and she couldn't look at him without thinking about what she'd just done hours before. "To give birth, so that I can party on the same night." She concluded, with a toothy smile.

Robert gave Saoirse a flat look. "Now, Saoirse..."

"I'm just kidding." She spoke, quickly, with an eyeroll. "Lighten up, would you? You've looked so uptight ever since we got here."

Now Robert was the one blushing slightly, and suddenly his half-eaten steak was the most interesting thing on the planet as he stared at it. "When you say stuff like that, it gets me nervous." He concluded, looking back at her.

Saoirse crossed her arms. "And why is that?"

"You'll be an amazing mother. I know you will be." Robert stated, with a cheesy smile. "But you're so young. You might make friends your age, you'll want to do what girls your age do, and you'll realize that it won't be so easy for you. Being a parent is such huge commitment."

Saoirse crossed her arms. "Says the man who hired me to watch his child because he couldn't do it himself."

Robert held a finger up. "Well, that's different. I'm the CEO of a Forbe's Top Ten globally ranked business and I work nine or so hours a day. You, however—"

"I'm a spoiled high school dropout. Yeah, I get it." Saoirse had a cynical, ill-mannered smile on her lips. "So I'll just do what I suppose a girl with limited education like myself would do once she has a child. I'll stay at home."

"I didn't say anything about you staying home. If you decide to go off to University and do some more studying, then I could just hire another sitter..." Robert's voice drifted off. If looks could kill, then certainly, he'd be dead—Saoirse glared at him with a ferocity unparalleled to any stone cold gaze of hers he'd ever seen. (And there were a lot of those.)

"I don't like that idea." She finally spoke, her voice the kind of calm that was alarming. "And I don't plan on going anywhere, actually. Certainly not University."

Robert's mouth fell open. "Are you joking?"

"No. Why would I go to University, anyways?"

"Um, to educate yourself?"

Saoirse pouted. "Listen, Robert. I'm perfectly content with my life as is. I don't need to go to University."

Robert put his head in his hands. "Saoirse, you're the one who needs to listen. As much as I love your company, if it means being alone while you're off at school and making something out of this life you have, then so be it. Lord knows I'm not going to let you sit around and watch the kids all day. Just because I'm a billionaire and you could theoretically have anything with the snap of your fingers—"

"I don't want to." Saoirse interrupted, her eyebrows furrowing. "You can't make me do something I don't want to do. This baby is mine and I want to be here with it."

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