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11 ; fluorescent adolescent

The next Monday at school, Saoirse strutted in with a different demeanor. She was confident and somehow even more attractive, probably due to the other aforementioned factor—her confidence.

Though she knew they were no good for her, that even Robert had somewhat warned her of them, Saoirse sought out the girls from Friday night. She concluded that she wouldn't tell them about Robert, but she could definitely use their advice.

So, during lunch, she joined them rather than eating in the library, which was her usual preference. "I have to ask you guys something," she stated. "Something important."

Mari sipped her water and spoke. "Shoot."

"So, if I like this older guy..." Saoirse bit her lip. "And he's done, let's say, a sexual favor for me—how might I return it?"

Mari and Kelsey looked at one another before Kelsey spoke. "How much older?"

"Ten years."

"Ten years? I have to say, Saoirse...I'm impressed. I don't think I could go any further than five or six." Kelsey grinned a little. "Alright, well, first we need to take into consideration what he did to you. So, spill."

Saoirse's cheeks flooded a red color as she shook her head. "I can't, it would be weird."

"What do you think we're going to do, judge you? Saoirse, I lost my virginity when I was thirteen. Trust me, I've done—and seen—it all."

Saoirse groaned. "Fine..." Without choice, the seventeen year old quickly blurted out what Robert had done to her. Mari and Kelsey both had sly grins on their faces when she was done.

"The only way you can return an action like that is by doing the same to him, Saoirse. I mean, that's just common sense right there. How old is he, again? Thirty?"


"Oh, yes." Mari rubbed her hands together. "It's simple—just blow him."

"Goodness, no." Saoirse's lips curled. "That's absolutely disgusting."

"Yet what he did to you isn't?" Kelsey rose her eyebrows. "You asked us how to return the favor, we're telling you. And besides, you can't really go wrong with that—just don't gag and end up puking, or something."

"Oh, my god." Saoirse placed her hands on her stomach. "I've completely lost my appetite. Thanks a lot, you two."

"Again, you asked." Mari shrugged. "So, now that your appetite is gone, we can't just end the conversation. Do you know how to do it?"

"I have an idea, yes. You two don't need to tell me...I, um, think I get it."

"Well, since you've never given one, just let us—"

"No, it's okay. Really." Saoirse stood up, her face red. Kelsey was already reaching for the banana on her tray. "But are you sure that'll work?"


"I hope you two are right," Saoirse muttered, before heading back to the library—she liked to get her homework done during lunch. Of course, the inevitable happened; Erik was in the library as well, working at the front desk.

"Saoirse!" He whisper-shouted, causing her to force a smile onto her lips.

"Erik," She turned back around. "Hello."

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