4. Do You Trust Me?

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Maya's POV

I've been at this school for three and half weeks now, Lucas and I have grown a little closer. He's all I could ever ask for in what could be a friend. I wouldn't call it friend status just yet, but we're getting there. He introduced me to Riley a few weeks ago, I don't understand how one person can be that perky and so happy. I never even got what the term happy meant and I still don't, and I can't.

I also got to know Farkle a little bit, he's pretty great too. They all are. They all live in a world though that is based off a concept of something. For example, Lucas told me how him and Riley got together, she fell into his lap on the subway, that's a concept, a moment, that has nothing to do for what effects them emotionally and what they feel on the inside and Farkle is so obvious, he's with Smackle, because he believes the universe put them together, but I see the way he looks at Riley and I see the way he looks at Smackle, it's not the same. I on the other hand live on reality. I've been through enough to know you can't live based off of a concept.

Out of the three of them, Lucas is the one I'm closest with. I feel like I don't need to hide who I really am when he's around. I can't even explain it, ever since we met it's like we have this weird connection. I feel like I'm comfortable enough to let him in enough to where I can know if I can completely trust him or not. After art class I stopped at my locker and I could see Lucas and Riley down the hall talking, I saw him glance at me for a few seconds. I smiled at him and went back to what I was doing in my locker.

"Hey." I heard a familiar voice from behind me.

"Hey Huckleberry." I scrunched my nose at him with a smile.

"How's your day been ma'am?" He tipped his stupid imaginary hat at me again.

"Just great Ranger Rick, hey, uh, do you have anything going on after school? I was wondering if you had time to talk." I bit my lip instantly after asking this because I literally don't know what he's going to say.

"About what?" His face still had no hint of emotion behind it, I have no clue what to possibly think of what he's thinking about.

"Well, I would like to let you in a little, I think I'm ready to talk to you, at least about this. Not the other one though, at least not yet."  Nerves were shooting through my entire body like it was my first day here.

"I'll always have time for you Maya, let me go take care of something and I'll meet you at the usual spot after school?" Normally he has plans with Riley after school, so, I originally didn't think that he would say yes. I find that odd.

"Okay, I'll see you then Huckleberry." I smiled and started to walk away and I felt a hand grab my wrist.

"Wait Maya!" When I got turned around Lucas and I nearly had no gap between us.

"What?" Why are we standing this close, it's nice, but why?

"I just wanted to say not to be nervous about this, I'm not leaving and I'm not going anywhere." I just stood there staring at him speechless and then he hugged me and instinctively I hugged him back.

-After School Lucas and Maya Talk-

I sat on the bench where we had our original real talk, it seems like whenever one of us needs to talk, this is the location that we pick. I could see him pulling up in his driveway and he  could already see me too and he was just smiling and sat down next to me.

"Hey Maya." He was sitting closer then usual.

"This is how this is going to work Ranger Rick, your going to answer the one question I have and then I'll tell you why I don't talk about my dad, do we have a deal?" I crossed my arms and grinned at him.

"Deal." Everything is literally coming easier then I once expected it to.

"Okay, um, why did you cancel with Riley to talk to me?" I nervously looked up at him.

"Well, you said it was important and even if it wasn't, I still would have shown up. Maya, I know we just met, but I just feel this undeniable connection between us that I really can't explain because I don't understand what it means."  This was the answer I was looking for, this is how I know I could trust him for when I needed him.

"Thank you, Lucas, that means a lot to me." I sincerely meant that too.

"Maya.. Do you trust me?" We locked eyes and something about this conversation was suddenly different.

"...I do trust you..." My hands were starting to shake. I'm literally so terrified to do this because I never have before.

"It's okay, you can tell me then, I'm here." He then gently held my hand for support.

"Okay, well, when I was young, well the earliest I can remember is when I was four, my mother and father would fight all the time and I can remember hearing her cry on the other side of the wall when he would randomly take off, but when I turned 5 he took off for the last time, he hasn't tried contacting us at all, and we haven't seen him since." He squeezed my hand a little bit and then let go, then to my surprise he gave me a hug, it wasn't anything like the friendly hug we had earlier, this one felt different.

"I couldn't imagine having to go through that, God, Maya, I'm sorry, but I get it, why you have a hard time trusting people. I promise you I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere." This is the first thing I've believed in a while, let's see what comes of it.

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