12. Lies

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Maya's POV

Today's Monday, which means back to school, which also means I have to see Riley in person today. Yay. When I walk outside to my car, I see a note under my windshield whipper.

Meet me in the courtyard at lunch.

"Loser." I laughed and got in my car and headed to school.


Traffic was hell on my way in so it made me run slightly late. I stopped in the office and got a late pass because I wasn't going to make it before the bell, this day is already off to a great start. When I walked around the corner I heard talking in the distance. As I got closer the voice came very clear to me, it was Riley's. I peered my head around the corner I could see who she was talking to, it was Smackle, Lucas was telling me Farkle broke up with Smackle not long after I started here. This is the first I've seen Smackle with Riley since.

"Listen Smackle, you can't tell Lucas." Riley was pleading with her.

"Riley I've given you months to tell him, it's a good thing he broke up with you." What did Riley do?

"How do you know about that?" My guess is Lucas told her and Riley's stupidly is shining once again, boy I lived for these moments.

"Lucas and I are friends Riley. He told me, but you still need to tell him what you did and why Farkle and I really broke up." She folded her arms and stared at Riley with no emotion.

"Telling him will just make him run to Maya even more then what he already is." Smackle rolled her eyes at her, Smackle and I got along fairly well.

"Jesus Riley, Maya hasn't done anything wrong, she was a new student who didn't expect anything from anybody and Lucas wanted her to feel like she would have friends here. Maya can't control that they live next door much more then Lucas can't control that he doesn't have feelings for you." I always knew I liked Smackle for a reason, she was always blunt and to the point no matter what the situation was and I appreciate that she stuck up for me.

"So you don't think they like each other?" Lucas was right, she has really high hopes of anything because I just saw hope fill her eyes.

"I didn't say that. Who knows what they're feeling, but that's honestly between Lucas and Maya. No where in that sentence does it say Riley, you need to leave them be and let Lucas figure out what he wants which he's made it clear that it's not you." Leaving Riley speechless, Smackle walked away from her which is when I walked around the corner and stood in the middle of the hall so she would see me when she turned around and she did.

"Wow Matthews, I didn't think you had it in you to do that to Lucas, let alone with Farkle." I crossed my arms and stared at her.

"Maya, please let me explain." She begged, but I wasn't buying her pity me act for one second.

"I don't need your excuses Riley, I heard enough of them already." I tugged on my backpack strap.

"Please don't tell Lucas." She's joking right? This is more of a reason for him to stay away from her.

"Please tell me your joking right? Lucas and I are best friends and I'm not keeping something this big from him." I walked away from her and walked into her dads history class and handed him my late slip then continued to my seat in front of Lucas, Riley eventually trailed behind me. Matthews actually was giving us a free period today to catch up on homework because he was prepping for parent teacher conferences.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, it was Lucas. Just the thought in itself made me smile. I turned around and looked at him.

"Hey cowboy." I smiled ear to ear at him.

"Why were you late?" He had an expression of concern on his face. I shifted my eyes between Riley and him.

"Traffic was insane this morning. I was just running late. I do need to talk to you as soon as we can get a moment alone." I could feel Riley's eyes on me, but I didn't care.

"I have an idea, meet me in the janitors closest." He smirked as he said that.

"Listen here cowboy-" I held up my finger at him and he slightly moved my finger back and forth.

"That's certainly not my intention." He has me where he wants me, I can't believe this.

Lucas got up and asked Mr Matthews if he could use the bathroom and he handed him a pass.

I waited a few minutes before I got up and asked to use the bathroom myself, and he handed me a pass, well that was easy. I headed to where Lucas told me to meet him when I opened the door he pulled me in. He put his hands on my waist and pushed me against the wall and started kissing my neck.

"Huckleberry what's gotten into you?" We pulled away from each other and then he smiled at me.

"Sorry, Maya, I just really needed to kiss you. Anyways what did you want to talk about?" He pointed at the two chairs for us to sit in.

"So initially I was late because of traffic and when I was walking to class I saw Riley and Smackle talking and got intrigued on what they were talking about then once I figured out what it was they were talking about I got angry and I couldn't keep this from you." I grabbed his hands and held them.

"Go on." He honestly doesn't know what's going to hit him and I feel awful that this is how he's going to find out.

"Lucas, has Farkle ever given you a reason why he broke up with Smackle?" A sense of emotion was starting to come over me.

"No, not really, but what does that have to do with anything Maya?"

"It has everything to do with it Lucas, Smackle apparently has been trying to get Riley to tell you for months." I trailed off before I told him exactly everything.

"Tell me what?" Lucas raised his eyebrow.

"Tha-that Riley has been cheating on you with Farkle for awhile now." All I could see was w flash of horror on his face.

"You're lying, there's no way." Seriously?

"Seriously Lucas?! After everything I told you on Friday, you pick now of all times not to believe what I'm telling you."

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