7. Secrets Unravel

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A/N: BIG chapter guys. You can call this one a game changer. Every emotion possible will be experienced in this chapter, I've worked so hard on it so I hope you love it! I'm also giving credit to where it is due, the particular storyline I chose with Maya's past is a storyline also on a show called Degrassi. If you haven't watched it, you really should, it's amazing. Thanks for reading!

Maya's POV

I've been babysitting these kids for three weeks and have yet to meet their father. I really hope they aren't in a situation like I am or heading to that anyways. I have the kids down for the night, I have one hour left until I can go home. We have about a weekish left of school until Christmas break, and boy do I need one. I can never seem to catch one as it is. If I want to be completely honest, I miss Lucas being around all the time, he usually stops over once a week to still keep the space from each other, I really don't know what he's feeling because he doesn't talk about it. A part of me wants to know and the other part of me doesn't. I'm still really confused about everything. Before I knew it from being in such deep thoughts the front door was opening, there was a silhouette of a man on the other side, must be their dad. When he walks in my face turned from color to dead pale in an instant.

"...d-dad?" There's no way I'm seeing what I'm seeing right now, I have to be dreaming.

"Maya? Why are you here?" He obviously had no idea I was the babysitter, typical.

"I'm babysitting... Apparently your... Kids?" My whole body is shut down, I literally can't move, I want nothing more then to run right now.

"Here I thought Maya was a common name.." I heard him mutter under his breath.

"I should probably just.." I trailed off and didn't even finish my sentence and grabbed all my things and ran to my car and drove home.


When I got home I sat in my car just staring out the window at Lucas's house and started sobbing. I can't believe I just saw my dad... I have siblings, siblings whom I've gotten to know these past three weeks. This is the first time I've cried over my dad in a very long time. The second I saw him all the memories resurfaced of him and my mom arguing nonstop. I then hear talking and when I look over I see Lucas walking Riley to her car. Screw this, I'm going inside, might have a fire in the back and admire the stars. I rolled up my windows and shut my car completely off, got out and subconsciously looked at Lucas and he looked back at me as I was walking around my car to get to the front door, I'm really hoping he didn't notice that I had been crying.

I got changed into skinny jeans and a hoodie then grabbed some snacks and went out to where our fire pit was in the backyard. I sat my phone and snacks down on my chair to go grab a few logs to put in the pit, I put newspapers in between the logs so I could get a fire going easy after throwing a few matches in there, I had a nice little fire going. When I walked back over to my chair I saw my phone was dim, which means either someone called me or texted me. Lucas called twice and I also have a text from him.

Lucas: why were you crying? Don't say you weren't because I could see the tears.
Maya: because I was.
Lucas: that's real helpful.
Maya: come over? My moms on a business trip so she isn't home.
Lucas: on my way.

I gripped my phone in my hand and pulled my knees up to my chest and let out one last cry before Lucas got here.

"Hey." I looked up seeing a smiling Lucas as he was sitting in the chair next to me.

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