9. Adjustment

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Maya's POV

I woke up with a smile on my face. I was still rationalizing everything that happened in my head. With how things were going, who would have thought it would have ended on such a pleasant note. I looked up at my alarm clock and read:10am.

When I looked next to me I noticed Lucas's hoodie next to me. It made me have a soft smile because it reminded me that last night was real, Lucas actually kissed me, twice. I never thought he could like someone like me, he's such a good guy and I'm a rebel without a cause. How Riley could have just let him go I'll never understand. My phone started buzzing, it was Lucas texting me.

-Text between Maya and Lucas-

Lucas: was last night real?
Maya: yeah, it was.
Lucas: are you sure?
Maya: well, I'm sitting here wearing your hoodie, so does that answer your question?
Lucas: that's why I left it there. So are you doing anything today?
Maya: nope, nothing.
Lucas: okay good cause we're hanging out.
Maya: who said I wanted to see you today ranger rick.
Lucas: oh I know you do Maya.
Maya: whatever, so what are we doing?
Lucas: well, at first I was going to say the park since winter hasn't decided to take its course yet this year and it's been fairly decent out, but it's gonna rain today so maybe hang out at your place and get to know each other better like you requested.
Maya: that sounds fine cowboy. be here by 1:15pm.
Lucas: see you then.


I didn't want to seem like a person that's always a train wreck so I actually tried looking like a decent human being for once. I picked out a pair of my black skinny jeans and my grey Bob Dylan shirt. I also applied a little bit of makeup and curled my hair a bit. Lucas wasn't just some guy, he's someone that I've grown close to lately since I moved here and everything is just different when I'm with him, my original plan of not getting close with people foiled when he first started taking interest in knowing about me my first day at school. I heard a knock at the door and glanced at the clock, it was exactly 1:15pm on the dot, hmm, he's quite punctual too. When I opened the door he was scanning me up and down.

"Hey cowboy." I smirked at him, he was making the staring really obvious.

"Hey, you look... good." He smiled.

"Oh, thanks." I don't hear compliments often, but ever since we started getting closer I've been hearing them more often, it actually warms my heart when I hear him say these things about me.

"What do you wanna do?" He raised his eyebrow in question.

"First, you can come in and sit down, you don't have to stand outside all day staring at me ya know." I chuckled as we walked past me into the house.

We both walked to the living room and sat down on the couch and just stared at each other for what seemed like forever.

"You have a nice house Maya." Lucas was observing my home since it's daylight now and he can actually see the house now.

"Thanks, my mom works hard so she deserves a nice house. That's why she's usually not here on the weekends, she usually gets sent on small business trips so it's usually just me here, but it's nice to wake up in a nice house for once." I smiled to myself at everything my mother has accomplished since my dad has left. She didn't stop her life, she kept going and did what she had to do.

"Doesn't that ever get lonely?"

"I guess more or less now, it gets lonely, because I did exactly what I told myself I wouldn't do and I let someone in, before it didn't really matter because I'm used to being alone." I admitted my originally intention.

"I'm so sorry I kinda forced it out of you." Lucas looked down at his hands, I don't know why, but I reached for his hand and held it.

"Lucas, you didn't force anything out of me, I'm Maya, I break rules and do what I want to do, I was ready to tell you, you showed me what it means to trust someone and to have a best friend that you're lucky enough to develop feelings for and that's how I look at you, I don't blame you for me revealing my past to you, I should be thanking you." I squeezed his hand a little tighter and laughed.

"What do you mean by 'thanking me'." He held up his free hand in air quotations.

"Because had you not pushed to get to know me, we wouldn't be in this weird situation we're in now." Okay, I probably shouldn't have called it weird, but I didn't know how else to describe to him what we are.

"You think what we have here is weird?"

"No, I don't. I just didn't know how else to explain it because we aren't together officially." I took my hand away from him and began fidgeting my hands because I feel like I may have screwed things up.

"You don't have to be nervous around me, don't second guess what you say, say what you feel because that's what makes it honest." He took my hand back that I had originally took away. He was staring at me in the eyes and leaned forward and kissed my forehead and even that I could feel my face go blush.

"Some things just come out the wrong way when I say it and I don't exactly mean it the way it comes out, I'm still learning not to do that." He smiled at me. He knows I'm being honest with him.

"How about we switch up conversation then, what's your favorite thing to do when you're by yourself, since you've made it clear that you're alone a lot until now?"

"I like art. Everything about it really. I like to draw and paint. I like that I can express myself through art without having to say anything." I couldn't help, but smile at him talking about my interest.

"Can I tell you something?"

"Of course you can Lucas, you can tell me anything." I intertwined our fingers and held his hand a little tighter.

"Well, the first day we met, I was having trouble sleeping that night and when that usually happens I usually sit on my roof and look at the stars because it reminds me of home in Texas. When I was sitting on the roof that night I saw you sketching what I'm assuming was the view." If anyone else had said that to me it would have weirded me out, but with Lucas it was somehow different to me, and I'm not sure why.

As we're talking my phone goes off which is odd because Lucas is the only one that ever texts me. I was taken back when I saw the name on my phone.

"Lucas, why is Riley messaging me?"

A/N: Oh boy 😈

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