32. I Can't Imagine

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Lucas's POV

I texted Maya's mom before I fell asleep last night to let her know I found her and she was with me. I don't understand how she goes through all this crap and still comes out so strong and confident. One of the many things I admire about her. Sometimes I can't help but stare at her beautiful face while she peacefully sleeps. I bring my hand to her face and rub my thumb across her cheek. She nuzzled her head into my chest because it was starting to wake her.

"It's time to wake up beautiful. We have to go to school." I whispered to her.

"Can we just not go today? I just don't feel like I can handle school today." She said sleepily.

"And so we won't." I said as I kiss her forehead.

"Thank you." She said as she looks up and smiles at me.

"Anytime short stack." I replied to her, but something was off, like something was bothering her more then she was letting on. "Are you sure there's nothing bothering you?"

"I just don't want my dad to take me away from you and mom. In case he does I want to soak up every minute with you as I can." She responded.

"No one is taking you from me. Maya I love you." I said as I kissed her lips softly, she of course gave in like she usually does.

"He's already made it clear that if he gets his way that I won't be able to see you." She said once we broke apart, her eyes looked all glassy like she was going to break any second.

"Maya, don't cry. I know things may seem that way, but it's not how it's going to be. I wouldn't give up on you that easily. You're not just a person I can simply just let go of." I replied with sincerity to my voice which caused her to actually look at me in the eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean.." I started as I took her hand and locked eyes with her. " I want to spend the rest of my life with you. That's not something you just let go of and I'll be damned if he even tries because I will always be your huckleberry who loves you more then anything and if I could do it right now I would ask you to marry me, but the timing is so not right, right now."

"I didn't realize I meant that much to you." She replied as she nuzzled herself into me.

"Of course you do. I always think about what our future would be like together years from now, married, having a few kids, a nice house and good jobs. Most importantly that we're happy." I said in full confidence to her "I believe in us and what our future has in store and I wish you would too because there's no one on this earth who I would rather be with."

"I guess I'm just so used to people coming and going from my life that I've been stuck in this 'hope is for suckers' state of mind for the longest time. I honestly thought you would have went back to Riley by now." She admitted and I could tell it pained her to say this as much as it pained me to hear her say it.

"Do you know that saying 'If you love two people at the same time, choose the second one. Because if you really loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second one.'?" I asked her.

"Yes I do."

"That's exactly it Maya. I loved Riley, but as a sister. Then I met you and I couldn't stop thinking about you, how I wanted to spend every second getting to know you, wanting to be the one that you could see as your forever. You're not just some girl I'm dating in high school, you're Maya Hart, you're my everything. These past 8 months that you have been in my life have been the best I could ask for, you challenged me since day one. When I couldn't find you and you weren't answering your phone, I was so scared of losing you that I had to pull my car over just to recollect myself from crying." I told her as I ran my hand through her hair.

"You cried?"

"I did, I was so terrified of losing you. I had no idea where you were until I thought to call Farkle to get his help." I pulled her in tighter then she was before so she knew I was being serious.

"You know, I haven't told you this, but Farkle is the reason I'm still alive. With the Dylan fiasco." She sat up still holding my hand looking at me while I gave her a questionable look. "My dream I had in class, it was an out of body experience, I saw what happened, Riley and Farkle showed up and scared them away. Had they not been taking a walk, they probably would have killed me. I know it was real because Riley and I briefly talked about it when she came to check on me when I was in the bathroom." She explained to me and I felt so relieved that my best friends were the reason she was still alive.

"You're a survivor Maya, that's what you do is survive. I'm so grateful they were there that night, if I would have lost you, I don't know what I would have done with myself." I replied as I looked down trying not to get upset at the thought of losing her.

"Hey, I'm here and I'm okay. You don't have to think about losing me because it won't happen." She said as she cupped her hands on my face so I was looking directly at her beautiful ocean blue eyes. "And if I have a future awaiting me with anyone, I want it to be with you because no ones ever shown me so much love and compassion then you have." She said to me and I couldn't take it anymore.

I slammed my lips against hers and she smiled into my mouth. She worked her way to sitting on top of me as we made out for awhile. When we finally came up for air she just smiled at me.

"I love you." She said with the most confidence I've ever heard her speak before.

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