13. Forgiveness

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Maya's POV

It's been a couple days since Lucas and I got in that fight at school. I missed him, not even romantically. He's my best friend, why wouldn't I miss him. I'm sure Riley is feeling real pleased with herself right now. She got what she wanted, Lucas and I are apart. He hasn't said a single word to me since then. He won't even look at me either, it's like I don't exist. I see my phone light up when I lifted my head from my knees sobbing. Could that be Lucas? Who am I kidding he wants nothing to do with me now. I grabbed my phone and looked at it, I had gotten a message from... Smackle?

-Smackle and Maya text conversation-

Smackle: hey Maya, is everything okay?
Maya: I'm always okay.
Smackle: I'm not blind, I can see how much you care for Lucas.
Maya: well, his reasons for liking me no longer exist now, so..
Smackle: why do you say that?
Maya: okay. Don't get mad at me but I was late to school a few days ago and on my way to class I heard you and Riley talking in the hall, so I told Lucas what happened since Riley clearly wasn't and he doesn't believe me.
Smackle: thank god, I'm glad someone has the balls to tell him, but he seriously didn't believe you? That sounds unlike Lucas.
Maya: yeah, that's what I was thinking too.
Smackle: hmm, that's interesting. I'll check back later, I have to take care of something real quick.
Maya: okay, later.

-end text conversation-

Hmm. That was odd? I mean Smackle and I have conversed a lot lately, but I didn't think she saw through everything.

Lucas's POV

I stayed behind after basketball practice to shoot hoops and to think this Riley and Maya situation. I want Maya, but why can't I trust what she's saying about Riley? It's been killing me not taking to Maya, she's probably been thinking that I won't look at her either, but she's wrong, I've been staring at her in every class we have together when she wasn't noticing. She hasn't been acting herself  ever since we got in that fight. As I'm trying to process these events through my mind, I could hear my phone in my basketball bag ringing from a phone call, when I looked at it, it was Smackle. I answered it, of course.

-phone call with Smackle-

Lucas: hey Smackle.
Smackle: Lucas where are you?
Lucas: I'm in the gym, why?
Smackle: good I went to the right place, we need to talk, I'll be there in two seconds.

-end phone conversation-

I looked at my phone in confusion. What's going on? By the time I look up, I hear the gym doors opening and see Smackle walking up to me in a fast pace. I look back down at my phone and glance at my text messages and scroll through smiling at Maya's last text to me which made me sigh because it hurt not talking to her for days at a time.

"Smackle what's going on?" I asked her as I put my phone in my pocket.

"I should be asking you the same thing Lucas." She replied as she crossed her arms staring at me like a plague.

"What do you mean?" Her not being forward about whatever she is here for is starting to irritate me.

"Maya? Why would you not believe her about Riley?" She had a sense of rage in her eyes.

"Why does it matter? She probably hates me now." I said as I sat on the bench and put my head in my hands.

"On the contrary, Maya doesn't hate you. I just spoke with her, she told me what happened, and I'm here to tell you Lucas, she's telling the truth, wanna know how I know?" She replied while sitting next to me.

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