29. Afterglow

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A/N: Okay, those of you that didn't want to read the last chapter for obvious reasons, this is your time to come back. At first I wasn't going to write that out, but changed my mind because this is my story and I'll tell it how I want to tell it. Hope you're enjoying how things are playing out!

Maya's POV

I can't believe how mind blowing this was tonight. He was just so wonderful to me tonight. I love him so much that words can't even describe it. I looked over at him while he was putting his boxers and t-shirt back on and smiled. Initially he caught me looking at him like he usually does.

"Are you okay? I didn't hurt you did I?" He asked with the most sincerity I've ever heard.

"I'm more then okay, thank you for asking. You were amazing. I can honestly say the best I've ever had." I replied with a smile. "How are you?"

"Maya, you know how parents always nag at you to write thank you cards for things? Well, trust me when I say this, you're getting one." He said with a big smile on his face.

"Is that a fact Huckleberry? I replied nonchalantly.

"It is."

I put on one of his t-shirts that I had here and put on my underwear and crawled back in bed with him, smiling. I laid my head on his chest and took my hand and intertwined our fingers. With my free hand I grabbed my phone to set an alarm for school in the morning.

"I wish we didn't have to go." He said.

"I know, me either, but mom will be home around noon and that won't look good." I chuckled. "She's not dumb, she'll know if we're still here when she gets home."

"That's a damn shame because I want you all to myself tomorrow." He said while he hugged me tight.

"I'm sure I can find time to pencil you in." I said while smirking.

"I'm never going to be able to sleep with you making passive aggressive comments like this. Not that I mind." He said while he winked at me.

"Lucas stop, we have to go to sleep." I responded, although I really didn't want him to stop because he made this night so perfect and I didn't want it to end.

After we talked for awhile I quickly fell asleep.


I woke up to my alarm going off at 5am. I shut it off and looked at Lucas who was literally dead to the world, or so I thought. When I tried to slither away from him to go take a shower before school. He pulled me closer to him.

"Lucas I need to go shower for school." I said while brushing my hand across his hand.

"Want some company?" He said with a smirk.

"In your dreams Ranger Rick." I replied.

"Fine, but I at least want to cuddle with you for a little bit before I have to go home and get changed and showered." He said while opening his eyes staring at me.

"That'll probably be manageable." I responded.

"Don't you have your doctors appointment after school?" He asked me.


"Do you want me to come with you?" He asked me.

"If you want to." I said, I didn't want him to feel like he had to come with me, after all, this wasn't his fault that this happened.

"Stop that, of course I want to come. I want to be sure you're okay." He said with his tone of voice going completely serious.

"Stop what Lucas?" I asked.

"You know what I'm talking about. Like you don't think I want to be there. What happened isn't your fault and you need to stop putting the blame on yourself when it was someone else's mistake." He said while putting both hands on each side of my face so I would look at him. "Maya, I love you and you can't stop me from being there for you, not now, not ever, you're stuck with me."

His words literally melted my heart. How'd I get so lucky?

"Thank you for reassuring me, that's all I needed." I replied.

"Did you really think I was using you?" He asked shocked.

"Not exactly, I figured you would run for the hills after we did what we did last night. I've only been with one other person and we both know how badly that ended. I just never know what to think." I admitted to him while a tear ran down my face.

"Maya, I would never leave you. I love you too much to ever let you go. I'm saying this with the upmost sincerity that last night was the best night of my life and I wouldn't trade it for the world because you are my world. Being with you has made me into a better person and I want all of my days to be with you, not anyone else. You may of had a really tough upbringing, but I want to make you forget about that, have faith in me." He said as he cupped his hand on my face and leaned in and softly kissed me which shot butterflies in my stomach making me feel like a giddy little girl.

I bursted into tears right then and there. He drew me in and hugged me while I sobbed in his arms. For once it wasn't sad or upset tears, it was tears of happiness because I've never felt this close to someone my entire life. Lucas has been my rock for so long now, I don't know what I would do without him. The fear of losing him drives me insane.

"Why are you crying Maya?" He asked with concern.

"I'm just happy that I have you, I don't know what I would do without you. You're everything to me. I seriously mean that too. You're just so good to me without even trying and it just amazes me everyday how much more I fall in love with you everyday." I replied and kissed him.

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